"Whether they are cowards or not, they are our part of our pack." My dad stands up and walks behind my mother. I felt my hair buzz and waiting for his next move. "It was a compromise between the Elders and me, but, now, I realize it was a mistake."

I snort. Yes, our pack, He says. But I wasn't part of the compromise and neither was my mate.

"She is my mate." I stare pleadingly at my mom. "Although she keeps her thoughts to herself,  she always bares her throat to me even though I don't. When she doesn't want to tell me something, she stays silent refusing to tell a lie. She trusts me, mom. How am I supposed to...?" I trail off silently.

How am I supposed to betray her?

(A/N: Baring throat = complete trust)

Luna Black wrang her hands together and swallows with difficulty. "That is why we're here today. Yesterday's attack made us realize that Mora was the target. We need to remove the spell on her, so she can defend herself. That's why we need your help today."

 I stare at the windows, dazed. "When were you going to tell me?"

My parents stay quiet, and I almost burst out laughing.

"I'm the next Alpha, but my pack keeps secrets from me. What do you see me as?"

I feel the tension increase in the room and my dad fighting his wolf from submitting me. The corners of my lips rise. I wanted to throw back my head and laugh even harder. 

"I do everything you ask of me. I listen. I'm disciplined. I have self-control, but most of all, I follow your orders. It's just a bit funny because I'm the next alpha, and you would think that I would be a part of such an important meeting since it affects the fate of me and my mate." the corners of my lips twitch, and I grin. "Now that you lost control of the situation, you bring into the equation? Why?"

Why must I clean up this mess?

Everyone silently stares at me like I was crazy. My dad's eyes started glowing and I start laughing. "You need me, but guess what? I won't do it. You create this mess without me. Y'all can fix it without me."

I push back my chair and walk up to Maxwell who was standing in my way. I incline my head but he shakes his head.

"Not so fast, Kaiden." My dad growls and I sigh. I keep my back to him and stare at Maxwell. "Zamora won't trust you either when she wakes up." I snort and choke back my bewildered laugh.

"She will."

"She won't." His footsteps approached, and, with each word, he pressures my soul. "Let's say we do it without you, and she wakes up in the middle of it. She's going to be in so much pain that she'll fight. We will have no choice but to reinstate the spell and put her back under. She's going to question everything. Starting with you. Her mate. One more thing Kaiden? Haven't you wonder how we manage to put a spell on her in the first place?"

His words were needling into my heart bit by bit, and my headache became more intense. 

Kaiden: "You sure talk a lot."


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