Chapter 4: Books and Ol' Blue Eyes

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Do I wanna dance.

Uh, yeah.

"Um, yeah sure. But just warning you, I'm not very good at it." I warn.

"You can't be worse than me." He smiled.

We dance for a song or two.

Pretty uneventful.

Well you know, other than introverted me dancing with HIM.

I'm glad I didn't pass out. 

He started to look uncomfortable.

Oh, I have just been staring at him for five minutes.

"Uh are you okay?" He asks.

"Um, well.." I trail off.

He's only dancing with me because his brother is forcing him too. He doesn't actually want to dance with me.

God, I wish he wanted to.

"I'm just not into dancing all that much, so..."

Now I seem disinterested.

Wow Rowan, nice going.

Shut up.

"Oh, well do you want to go upstairs then?" He says confidently. 


His eyes suddenly widen. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean in that sense. Like do you want to go to my room and watch a movie or play video games or something?" He's bright red.


I kinda wish it wasn't just for video games.

Stop it!

"Uh, yeah. Sure." I say.

"Well, follow me then." He smiles as he starts for the stairs.

I'm stuck to the spot.

I don't know how but he looks like an angel, surrounded by a glow.

For being an introvert he sure is confident in his surroundings.

It's probably because he doesn't have social anxiety like you moron.

Shut up.

He's almost to the stairs when he turns around.

"You coming?"

I nod and follow him up the stairs. It is like one of those giant grand staircases. Like in The Titanic.

I wish this moment was romantic like The Titanic. It would be reversed roles. Him being the rich one and me being the poor girl. Except he would have to have a girlfriend.


Stop it. 

But he might.

No! His brother told him to dance with you so he probably doesn't have a girlfriend. 

Apollo could just not know about his girlfriend.

Shut up. 

At the end of the stairs is a long hallway going in both directions. A couple stumbles up the stairs and into one of the bedrooms. 

Alexander quickly drags the couple out of the bedroom and directs them down the opposite hallway. 

He says, "Those are the guest rooms. Don't come to the right."

"Like Beauty and the Beast." I mutter under my breath.

"What?" he asks.

He heard me.

IntrovertedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora