Chapter 2: Why do I do this

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Well here I am.

At a party.

An introvert. I'm going to mention this a lot aren't I.

Yes. Yes I am.

I don't belong here. I really don't. I don't know what to do with myself.

"Um, Rowan? Are you okay? You seem a little stressed out," Jay says as she sees my expression.

You have no idea.

"Um, this isn't my type of party," I manage to get out.

"Hun, you don't even have a type of party," she says. Several people turn around as they hear us talking and look at me. Some start towards Jay. A girl comes up to Jay and says something.

I'm too confused and fearful to know why.

They laugh together.

"Oi! Who are you!" a boy says. I take a good look at him. Well then. I'm done for.

He has short, dark brown hair and blue brown eyes. He's about 6 foot 7. I'm 5 foot 11. More like a man.

"Hey ladies, I'm Apollo, Apollo Rivers. And I'm the host of this party." the boy says. Well, at least the tall man has a name.

I gulp.

"Hey Apollo, I'm Jayleigh, but you can call me Jay." My best friend says in response.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Apollo says, "and you are?" He asks me.

"Um, I'm Rowan" I manage to get out.

"Well, nice to meet you Rowan."

"Uh," I say.

"She's not used to this. She's an introvert." Jay says.

"Jay! Really!" I shout at her, embarrassed that she said that.

He laughed.

"It's fine! My younger brother who is 18, is an introvert. And I force him to go to parties. Let me guess, Jayleigh didn't tell you that you were going to a party." Apollo states with an amused tone.

"Most definitely." I say.

"Hey, how old are you guys?" He asks.

"I'm 18 and Jay is 20," I hear myself say.

"Oh, cool. My brother is around here somewhere. I'll go get him. Stay right here." Apollo says as he walks through the crowded hallway.


He returns a few minutes later with a blonde boy with blue eyes. He's about 6 foot 5. And good looking.


"This is my little brother, Alexander." Apollo says.

Alexander looks at Jay, then me. Wait that's an understatement. He stares at me.

"Hello," he says.

Well then.

"Uh, hey."

He smiles and nods.

I'm done for.

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