Chapter 3: Wanna dance?

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My god.

He's like a goddess.

I mean god. 


"Okay, so now that you've met, you have someone to hang with." Apollo says excitedly.
He slowly starts to walk away with Jay latched to his arm.

"Wait, what! Jay where are you going!" I exclaim.

Why would she leave me here with HIM?

She seems rather affiliated with him, like they used to be lovers.


I look over at the guy himself. He has a slightly baffled look on his face.

He's probably wondering what his brother is up to. Apollo seems like a bizarre person.

"Um, well. You see..." Jay stuttered.

Apollo looked like a deer in headlights.

"Oh, I see Apollo. That's how it is." Alexander says with a smirk.

"Alex! Its, uh, not like that!" Apollo scoffed.

"Sure bro, keep telling yourself that."

"Um Jay, is there something between you and-" I start.

"No!" Jay defends.

"Yeah, sure. Uh huh. Then why are you latched on his arm?" I say accusingly.

She immediately lets go of his arm.

"If your not willing to admit it, fine." Alex smirked.

"Okay, fine. Something has happened, but nothing you need to worry about anymore." Apollo shrugged. 

"We are going to have a talk about this later, okay?" I say coolly, trying not to freak out. Jayleigh and I have been friends since we were ten, I don't understand why she would keep anything from me. Especially a relationship.

"There isn't anything anymore, but okay," Jay answers cheerlessly. She seemed very unhappy.

"Um, I'm just going to go." Apollo stats monotonously and starts to walk away. Jay grabs his arm. He looks back at her. They make brief eye contact before she lets go and starts in the other direction with Apollo still looking back. He finally walks away.

I turn to look at Alex, who has, since then, stared off into the surroundings. Either observing the party or just staring off into space. Or maybe neither.

"So," I say.

I am so flipping introverted that I don't know how to even speak to another introvert.

There I go again, ranting about how I am an introvert.


Nice going, Rowan.

Oh and by the way, I'm an introvert. If you didn't already know.

"Just shut up, Rowan," I say. I immediately cover my mouth. 

"Did I just say that out loud?" There I go again, saying what's off the top of my head.

"What was that?" Alex asked. Great so now he thinks I'm a lunatic.

"Nothing," I mumble under my breath.

I look up at all the people in the party. All in their little cliques. All of which who are taller than me.

I'm short.

'Shut up, Rowan." I retort out loud. I don't even realize it this time.

"There you go again with that weirdly random, and cute, thing with saying stuff out loud by mistake. You know, you'll get in trouble for that one day." He says humorously.

"Wait, what did you say?" I say, startled.

"I said that you'll get in trouble for saying whats on your mind."

"No no, I got that part, what was the other thing you said."I say desperately, hoping that I didn't just imagine him saying that I, Rowan Taylors, was cute for doing something stupid. 


"Oh, well I said that you speaking out loud was random." 


"And adorable."


" So, your saying that I am adorable when I am being stupid." I say in mock awe.

"Well, your cute anyways, but you doing what seems to be a habit makes you even more adorable." He turns to look at me.

His eyes are a beautiful electric blue that send shivers down my spine.

"So, Rowan." He stutters.

"Yeah?" I question.

"Wanna dance?"

Author's note:

Sorry to those people who have actually read and enjoyed my story. 

I had assumed that no one read this story so I delayed me continuing it.

I want to thank those who have read it and liked it. I hope to hear some people in the comments but I don't know whose reading this story now.

Well hope anyone reading this has a great day.

Sorry for any grammatical errors.

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