
Anthony was happy to hear that Elizabeth loves him too and changed everything to make her feel more loved.

After that day, the parted ways.

The next day while Elizabeth was walking to work she didn't see them eating lunch anymore and started to wonder where they would be hanging out now. As soon as she got in the building of her work, she saw Anthony waiting for her, holding a bouquet of flowers. She walked to him

"Anton, you're here? How did you know I work here?"

"I just know hehe.. Here, these are for you"

"Thank you , umm where's is Maggie?"

"Oh, I don't know. I told her I wasn't meeting up with her today.

Did you have lunch today? I wanted to treat you to your favorite place."

"Well I should check things in the office first and I'll be out in a second"

She smiles and runs to the elevator

Anthony thought to himself

"Everything's perfect, and if she would be my wife and I could have kids with her, I can finally have my perfect picture"

He smiles out of the blue, suddenly his phone rings


"Anthony! It's Maggie, where are you?"

"I'm at elly's work, waiting for her 'cause we're going on a date today"

"Oh who's elly? And why didn't you tell me?"

"Elizabeth I mean heheh. Oh well it's not like I should inform you about everything I do. We're not kids anymore."

"Well, ok have fun"

"Bye Maggie"


Anthony hung up and Elizabeth asked who it was, he told her everything on their way out and went to Pizza Hut.

They ate lunch and hanged out around the mall. They had fun but Elizabeth was tired and wanted to go home, so Anthony walked her home. Before he left her, he asked for her number.

The following day, Anthony calls Elizabeth early in the morning

"Hello elly?"

"Hi Anton"

"Heheh, I have to go back to the states for a week, don't worry I'll be alone"

"oh when are you leaving?"

"The day after tomorrow and I'll be preparing tomorrow, is it ok if we hang out the whole day today?"

"Sure , where should we meet?"

"Well I'm actually outside your apartment so you could meet me here heheh"

"Ohh ok, I'll be there in a few!"

She hung up and prepared herself as quickly as she could.

She went outside and they both went out to get a sundae. They talked a bit while walking to the park and sat down on Elizabeth's favorite spot.

"Elly? Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Pwede bang tayo na?(can it be us?)"

"Oh wow! Yes!!"

She smiled so much her cheeks started to hurt

"Anton , how did you learn Tagalog?"

"I asked Mark"

Anthony gave a grin


She was very happy and leaned her head on Anthony's shoulder. Right when Anthony moved his head to look at her she kissed supposedly on the cheek but on the lips by accident. She hid her face and blushed while Anthony smiled and said

"I love you elly"

She hugged him and said

"I love you too"

The sun started to set and Anthony made sure that Elizabeth got home before dark, then they ended the day with a good bye.

They didn't get to meet the next day because Anthony was too busy preparing and Elizabeth had to go to work properly to check the workers.

But on the day of Anthony's flight, he calls Elizabeth on the cell

"Hello elly?? I'm in the airport now, I'm sorry I didn't get to see before my flight"

"It's ok, that's why I'm here at the airport now"


Elizabeth runs to him and jumps on his back. Anthony laughed and turned around as she got off his back, she kisses him on the cheek

"Bye, bye and take care ok? I love you so much and i will miss you!!"

"Hahaha! You can relax, since you're here I think we could get breakfast since it's still 7am and boarding is.. Hmmmm.. It's at 8:30am. I'm sure I still have time."

Elizabeth nodded and they had breakfast together near the airport.

The talked till 8am and Anthony realized he had to go already.

Elizabeth kissed him on the cheek and smiled at him. He left and smiled at her.

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