Dont replace me

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Elizabeth and Anthony finished school already so she thought she wouldn't have to see him and she could easily get over him but whenever she passes by Pizza Hut every lunch time she sees them having lunch together.

Every night she cries herself to sleep, wishing that she didn't treat him wrong.

She couldn't change it anymore.

She leaves her home and heads to work using her usual route, passing by Pizza Hut and she doesn't see them.

She heard someone call out for her

"Ooooy! Elizabeth!! "

She looks back and sees Anthony running to her.

She was happy that when Anthony ran to her, he left Maggie behind but when Anthony was in front of her she said

"What do you want from me??"

"Oh umm i was gonna ask if you're free today cos I wanted you to hang out with us"

" well I am, but I don't want to so get out of my face"

Then Elizabeth walks away. She went to work and finished early.

Every after work, Elizabeth goes to her favorite park to sit down and relax, if she's feeling stressed.

A few minutes later she sees Anthony and pretends not to. He walks to her and asks

"Is this seat taken?"

"No! But you can't sit there!"

"Hmmm.. Why do you still hate me?"

"Why are you here???!!"

Elizabeth starts to scream

"Because I want to know why you still hate me.."

Elizabeth doesn't answer but Anthony continues

"I left because you wanted me to get out of your school and you wanted me to leave you alone. Right? So I left.

You hated me so much and I thought that leaving would make you feel better. But it didn't.. So what do you want me to do now?

Elizabeth, I will always love you. Just like I said 5 years ago, nothing changed."

Elizabeth looked down and said

"Then why do you look so sweet with her, why do you do everything together. If you loved me wouldn't you at least try to talk to me?"

"I did, but you don't want to talk to me.. Since I love you I want you to be happy, and you don't want me to talk to you so I figured it makes you happy..

I'd do anything you want me to do. Whatever makes you happy, if you want me to leave again then I will."

Elizabeth starts to cry but she hides her face to wipe her tears

"I want you to stop being sweet with her!! Stop looking at her like you're more than friends!!"

"Are you jealous Elizabeth?"

"Yes! Yes I am!?" Why?! Because I love you!! The day you left felt like the end of everything and I was excited to hear that you would be back but instead I was hurt cos you came with someone!"

"Hmm it's ok el"

"Ummm what's el?"

"Liz is common and Beth is common.. I think.. But no one uses el. So I wanted to call you ell cos you're my elly"

Elizabeth blushes and asked

"I'm your elly?"

He smiled and said

Cross My MindDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora