A new life

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Anthony finally arrived in Manila and took a taxi to the old house. It was a long ride and it gave him time to think. He was thinking of finding a college with an art course and with all his luck he saw a billboard with the sign of a De La Salle College of Saint Benilde and their available courses. There were so much courses that was interesting to him and he thought about it too much he didn't realized he was already at his house. He stepped out of the taxi and saw an old ugly home that hasn't been taken care of for centuries, or at least that's how he felt about it.

Well, he didn't really have a choice so he got the keys in a secret hiding spot and got in the house. The house looked much better from the inside so it was ok for Anthony. He chose a room and settled down, then he started thinking about what course he would take. While lying on his bed, with his jet lag and all his other thought in how to earn and what course he should take, he slowly fell asleep without noticing.

"Hey Anthony !"

"Yes papa?"

"Do you know that you don't need to be a professional photographer to take a really good picture?"

"Really papa? How can you take a good picture then papa?"

"All you need to do is is capture beauty and quality, you might not understand since you're still 5 years old but when you grow up you'll understand it."

"Umm papa? Can you show me what a perfect picture is??"

"Oh sure Anthony"

The father showed a picture of Anthony and his mom.

"Oh, that's me and ma"

"Of course, this is no doubt a perfect picture. You and your mom are the most beautiful people in my life. I love everything about the both of you, every quality."

"Ohh ok papa, I think I understand now."

"But Anthony, I think you should wake up now.


Wake up Anthony..

Get up already.. "

Anthony woke up with tears running down his cheeks. He missed his mother and father so much. Although they were busy a lot but they also had their moments. He wanted to go back in time and change everything but it wasn't going to happen and all he could do is change the future instead of the past.

After a lot of thinking he thought of taking photography. He thought maybe his dream was a sign. Taking photos is also like art, but instead of making the art you capture it. So he got dressed and ready to go to the college he saw. When he got to the school and asked some details he found out that he's be starting in the second semester, which isn't a big problem for him. So he took the test and the dean was amazed that "THE Anthony Lopez" is going to their school, she accepted him with any extra requirements, all he needed to give was the usual requirements but he didn't need to have an interview and other tiresome requirements.

Time passes by and the second semester is about to start. It gave Anthony enough time to fixing up the house and make it look better and he found a part time job as a waiter in Pizza Hut, well I don't know what reason he would have for working there. It's not that I have anything against that place, it's because he holds a big name and he could get in anywhere but he chose the place for a reason. It might be because he wanted to stay low in profile. He doesn't even know that his parents paid a lot of people to make sure no one bothers him or puts him on the news and announces everything he does to the whole world.

So Anthony is pretty stable for now and he's finally getting a taste of hard work and being independent.

First day of class for the second semester and Anthony decides to go to school early with his camera and notebooks being excited for his first class. When all the girls saw him they went crazy and started staring and giggling and making a lot f noise in the school. But Anthony showed his typical arrogant side and ignored them all and walked away with a mean face. The girls didn't follow him but they were still going crazy over him.

Anthony got in his first and enjoyed every moment of it. He loved listening and learning about photography and many other things.

Then after he went to his second class which was even better because the teacher wanted to bring them out to places and have them take pictures of different sceneries. All his exams where going to be projects so he knew it wasn't gonna be as hard as having to remember things you've learned from different topics.

he had many other classes but the day never got boring.

At the end of the day he made a friend named Mark. Making friends isn't something you'd expect from him. But it's not because he's mean or arrogant like he pretends to be, it's because he was too busy with his father in the business stuck in an office that he doesn't know how to socialize and he starts getting worried hoping that he doesn't offend anyone.

Mark and Anthony started to hang out with each other and grew to be best friends.

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