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I'm drunk in love,
Its running in my veins,
I'm falling for someone who doesn't even know my name.

This caged feelings imprisoning me,
It never let's me go.
Maybe it sticks to hurtful truth and I still choose to endure the pain.


The words I'm saying,
Are those feelings I hide,
Never will it happen
Its only what I imagine


I want to howl away my pain so that my grief founds a way out,
To let it go from my embrace.


I'm insane I know,
I love him I know,
Maybe I've not found who's my real song.
The rhythm to my harmony.
And its questioning my sanity.


I promise I'd do what you say
But tell me will you really stay?
I've felt emotional war each time I see you,
Do you even realize that there's even more.


We all are hurt at some point of time, Its just the beginning of finding who we are,
Once that you do it you will realize you've reached so far.


If u wanna end the pain
Then stop thinking.


He pulled the trigger and pointed on me
And I was crazy enough to let it hit me
I didn't realize I was so numb to feel the reality,
Until I lost my balance and there was no life in me.


You'll rise once you fall,
You will be fine once you feel no more
Don't take things seriously
It makes you loose yourself
And turn your way away from reality.
Take a step ahead, it might hurt
You will find yourself once you'll know what is hurt.



I know we all get hurt but rise up and don't be afraid to get through it, once you reach where u are going, you will realize how lucky you are to feel it!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Love you guys💕vote, comment and share.

And I'll request not to distribute, translate my creation, they mean the world to me🙏.


Unheard whispers of heartUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum