Bat Boys x Reader - Sick

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I don't know why I never write shit about the boys as like heroes. Also, hi. I'm back after a few months. And of course, I now present my usual, a messy, shit chapter. Enjoy~

Imagine: You're home alone sick, so you call the boys to come take care of you.

I lay on my couch, staring out the window to the left of me. I coughed and wheezed, regretting trying to show off and not wearing a jacket in the rain. Yeah, I could be a dumbass sometimes. I rolled off the couch and dragged myself to my bedroom to get another pillow, and a blanket. Being sick is annoying. One minute you're hot, the next you're cold, you can only breath through one nostril half the time, and doing just about anything makes you break into a fit of coughs. Well, at least that was the case for me right now.

I pulled my phone out and messaged one of my friends. One of the brothers, 'who should I bother first?' I mentally ask myself. I needed at least some help around here. Someone I could boss around. And who better than Tim? I opened his contact and started typing.

((AN: your character is bold, the brothers are italics))

Hey bitchbaby.

Please stop calling me that.

Haha, sorry.

Anyway, what did you need?

Oh yeah, come baby me.


I'm sick.

Uh, okay. I can't stay long though.

Okay, just bring me food.

I turned the screen on and reached for the remote, which wasn't there. I looked over, to see it was on the chair under the window. I groaned, and lay there, bored and half asleep.

Minutes later, I heard the door being unlocked, followed by who I assumed was Tim walking in, "where'd you get the key?" I asked, zoning out.

"You gave us all keys, remember?" He stated, shutting the door and entering the living room.

"Yeah, I'm not sure why I did that," I answered slightly sitting up from my spot on the couch and letting out a cough.

"I don't know either, but here," he handed me the bag of food.

I opened it, to reveal soup, "what's this?" I asked, unamused.

"It's soup," he stated.

"I wanted McDonald's," I groaned, opening it and grabbing the plastic spoon inside the bag.

"Soup is good for you when you're sick. Plus, your voice sounds like ass, you could use something hot," he said, sitting on the chair across from me. We continued to talk until he had to leave. We bid our goodbyes, and I eventually fell asleep.

About an hour later, I woke up coughing some more. I continued to lay there, and stare at the wall for a few minutes, before deciding I was bored again. This time, I decided to message Dick.

Hey you.

Hey y/n, what's up?

Come spend time with me, but let me warn you I'm sick.

Sure, do you care if I bring Damian?


Alright, we'll be over soon.

I turned the screen off once again. What did I do to deserve friends like this? It almost seemed unrealistic, to have people this good around. Eh, whatever. It was real. At least in this universe.

I got up to use the bathroom, and once I returned the door was unlocked once again. This time, I sat at the kitchen table, since the door was right there.

"Y/n, how are you feeling? And what the hell did you do now?" Dick asked as the two walked in.

I waved him off, "I'm fine, mostly just bored," I let out another string of coughs.

Damian walked towards me, "l/n, did you visit a doctor?" He asked.

I held my hands out, making a cross with my fingers, "stay back, thot. And, no. I've been sick before, I know how to deal with this."

Dick shook his head, "stubborn," he sighed, "do you need anything?"

"Actually, can you make me a tea? My throat's a bit soar," I slightly squinted, and brushed my fingers over my throat.

"Your voice doesn't sound good," Damian commented, keeping his distance. The two stayed for a few hours, before deciding to go. They catered to my needs, and we all caught up with each other.

It was around 8, almost 9 pm now, and there was still one brother I hadn't seen today, "Jaybird," I said over the phone, "wanna come take care of me?"

"Sorry who's this?" He asked. Bitch.

"You know who it is, I'm sick so I sound a little dead, which is why I need you to come here, with some McDonalds," I faintly smiled, even though he can't see it.

"Alright, alright. I'll be over soon," he said.

"Wait, pick me up some Advil, too." I piped in before he hung up. And the same thing happened. I waited for a few minutes, heard the door unlock, Jason walked in and plopped the food on the coffee table, and sat down.

"So, what'd you do?" He asked, watching the tv.

"You know, tried to prove that I'm the dominant one to nature, and didn't wear any protection in the rain," I stated, grabbing the Advil and some water.

"Ah, you never change, y/n," she laughed

"Never do," I smiled, and downed the pills. And the same thing happened again, he stayed until about 11, and we just talked the whole time.

After, I'd fallen asleep, and I slept pretty well that night. I had some weird ass dreams though, but that always happened when I was sick. Fun fact, it took a month to fully recover from that cold. Weird, right? And did I learn my lesson about wearing a jacket? Well, you heard Jason. I never change.

Oh my god, it feels so good to publish a chapter. I'm sorry for such a long delay, I hate going over a month without posting. I have an idea for the next chapter though, and I'm hoping it will turn out good. A look into the past, it will be. Anyway, it's late like usual, so goodnight, folks, and until next time.

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