Chapter Two

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Maybe one day we can go,Hand in hand down a golden road

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Maybe one day we can go,
Hand in hand down a golden road.
And if I get there before you go,
I'll be waiting at the door.

~ B.o.B


{Clarys POV}

Avoiding eye contact with Jace Herondale had been harder than i thought. It was a peculiar situation, i didn't want to sit on the same side of the booth as him but if i sat on the opposite side looking at each other would be twice as easy and so i picked the less dangerous one sitting beside Isabelle and diagonal to my ex.

"So," Magnus clears his throat, preparing to break the tension "Isabelle, are you inviting Simon to the wedding on Friday?" I think she means to boot him under the table but only succeeds in smashing her foot into Alecs shin.

"Ow, Izzy what the fuck?!" He reaches down to rub at it and Magnus hides his amusement behind his hand
"Simon who?" Isabelle had a boyfriend?

She takes her sweet time in answering and blushes "Lewis, we bumped into each other at the park last month and went for coffee."

Jace stabs at a pancake on the plate infront of him.
"Simon Lewis, i didn't even know you two knew each other."

Magnus can't contain himself anymore "They dated."

This time she does succeed in kicking him, spilling coffee down his white shirt and making him wail as he tries to clean it. My own drink goes down the wrong way.

She whacks me on the back to clear it but its no use, i can't breathe. Scrambling i free myself from the booth in a panic and the table almost flies forward as Jace gets up.

"Good god, what do we do?" His eyes are wild and Isabelle and the other two boys shuffle along in a hurry
"I don't know! Will the Heimlich maneuver work she's cholking on liquid?!" Alec questions and i grip onto the table coughing violently.
Is this how i was to go? Face down on a table in takis, single while my friends and ex look on helpless?

"Fuck it." Jace grabs me, both arms just under my breasts and thrusts upwards. It is the most humiliating experience of my young life and horribly the closest i've been to the man in almost ten years.
The other three are horrified as are the onlookers in the small cafe now who have stopped eating until ive either died or am saved.

"Come on Clary." He mumbles in my ear, so softly that even in my panic it manages to calm me and in some kind of miracle the coffee comes free just in time for Isabelle to dive up with a napkin and catch the small amount there before i make an even bigger fool of myself.

"Are you okay?" She discards of the napkin in an empty mug on the table and holds onto me, but so is her brother.
"My god," she becomes teary and i shut my eyes and focus on breathing now that it's possible. I just manage to nod.

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