Chapter Five

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I had managed to drift off for a little, though my thoughts were only filled with freezing metal and darkness. 

I raised my head when I heard a noise in the cell next to me. I recognized it as the door sliding open to push someone else into the cell. It was a woman, I'd guess in her 30's, handcuffed as well. She was wearing a button-down, with her hair in a loose bun. I noticed the logo on her breast pocket. The logo for Discover. 

As soon as I noticed the logo, I backed away to the other side of my cage, waking the young man on the other side. He'd been sleeping when I arrived. 

The man turned over to look at me, and I saw it. He was also wearing a button-down, with the Discover logo on his breast pocket. 

I turned my head back and forth between them, questions running through my head so fast it was hard to focus on them. 

Who were these people?

Why are they here?

Are they possessed like Angelica and Juliana?

Are they here to kill me?

Please, God, don't let me die now. 

The woman simply said, "Hello." Her voice was slightly deeper than I expected, and hoarse. 

I stared at her. I knew I should say something, and I opened my mouth to do so, but no words came out. 

She remained calm, "My name is Gale." 

What was my name again? Fiona? Fido? 

What had happened to me?

I eventually remembered my own name. "F-Faryn," I whispered, my voice more crackling and hoarse than I expected. 

Gale reached out her hand through the bars of the cell. I shook it, a formal introduction. Her hands were rough, her knuckles and fingertips with cracks, probably from extensive use. 

Gale introduced herself, "I worked with Discover, until they found me out. I thought I'd done a good job of hiding it, but eventually they figured it out. Luckily, I know how this system works. They won't be able to keep me here for long." 

I just stared at her. Found her out? What did that mean? I had no idea what "it" was, but maybe I had "it" too, which could be why I'm here. I have "it". 

She looked back at me. I realized she expected an introduction. I cleared my throat, "I came here on a class trip, and got caught by security. They sent me up here for some reason. I don't understand why." 

Gale replied, "Oh," a darker expression creeping into her face. Not a sinister expression, but one more of...pity. She lowered her gaze, looked at her hands. 

She took a deep breath. "Discover is...not as it seems. It's...more sinister than an all-purpose app. Have you noticed any changes in your classmates or family?" 

"Yes. My parents and sister and all my friends have been speaking and acting differently lately. They've been more...robotic," I said, "I've also gotten strange texts from my friends. They said they were trapped. One of them urged me not to go on this field trip. I wish I had listened to her, but now it's too late." 

Gale nodded in understanding. As if she expected my answer. "Your friends have been taken."

"Taken?" I repeated. 

"Their bodies are no longer controlled by them. Their souls reside in their phones, trapped there. They must've figured out how to send texts from them." 

I just stared. I moved my gaze out to the rows and rows of cages. Looked up at the ceiling of the building. Glass. I would've appreciated the design, had I not been her against my will. At least I could tell what time of day it was. Evening, I would guess, from the orange color of the sky. 

I contemplated what Gale had just said. My friends...possessed. That would explain the weird behavior, and texts sent without their phones being typed into. I just couldn't wrap my brain around it. So many questions...

Was that why I'm stuck here?



What will they do to me?

What is "it"? Is it just not being...possessed?

Are they going to possess me?

I scooted into the back corner of my cage, head down against the corner, and tried to muffle my tears. 

What will become of me?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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