Chapter 20

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*5 years later* Eadlyn POV
In the middle of the night a loud noise starts screaming through the night. I know what to do, so I jump out of bed with tears running down my cheeks and run to the bed on the other side of the room to get Ahern, and we run to the corner of the hallway to get to the hidden passage way.

It wasn't until I started to descend that I realized I was crying. It's sad to think that this is normal and that I know every procedure I must take to get to the safe room. Mommy and Daddy made sure that Ahren and I knew what to do. Get up quick. Grab each other. And run down to the safe room. We had attacks more recently, but mommy and daddy would never explain why.

When we finally reach the bottom, Ahren hugged me quick and whispered into my ear that we are safe. We didn't stay long for we knew we had to get to the safe room, so Ahern and I grabbed each other's hands and ran down the final stretch to where the vault is.

We are met by daddy standing in the door way looking worried, but once he sees us, he relaxes and hugs us tightly before ushering us into the room. After giving the final okay to lock the door, we all settle in for who knows how long.

Mommy and daddy sit in two big chairs by a table, while some maids usher my brother and I to the beds in the other corner so we can try to sleep. Ahren laid down and went back to bed, but I couldn't fall asleep. I roll over to see mommy and daddy leaning against each other and speaking silently.

"Daddy, Mommy," I say in a small voice, and they both sit up a little and look over at me curiously. "Why are the bad guys always coming after us?"

"Oh Eadlyn, they want us to stop what we are doing. Everything will be okay, I promise," Mommy says. I know when she promises, she means it. Daddy gets up from his seat, and comes over to tuck me in.

"Now you need your sleep for tomorrow night," he says then leans down to kiss me. I almost forgot that tomorrow is Friday, which means we have the report. Daddy wants me to give a little speech on an idea I have been working on for the past year. Mommy said that it would be a good idea and helped me. When Mommy was in the selection, she and Daddy made a food service for the people who need it. When I was taught about the people who used the food service I thought about the kids who may not have any toys to play with. I went and asked Mommy about maybe seeing if the food services could also give toys to the families who need it on a special occasion. She thought about it, and agreed that it would be nice. She asked though about what occasions would they give the toys. I was honest and told her I didn't think that far, and she helped me figure it out.

For the next couple of months she helped me figure everything out, and after Friday's talk the toys will all be distributed and some more funding for more toys will be given. Every Christmas and New Years the family will be given one toy for each of the kids.

After awhile, I fell asleep with the dream of a world that every kid has a toy and is happy.

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