Chapter Fifteen

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~ Nathan ~ 

Vanessa talked for pretty much the rest of the car trip. It was quite the info dump, but I was able to pick it up as she outlined things. At the news about Sarah, I couldn't help a smile. "Sarah's a Mum... I figured she would be. She was always the mum of our group of dysfunctional idiots back in school," I chuckled. Vanessa pulled into the parking lot and I got out carefully, making sure not to tip the cake box too much.

"And where did Tim and Alana meet again?" I asked as she came around the car to shut the door for me since my hands were full. She locked the car and put her phone and keys in my pockets; it was our habit when Vanessa didn't want to bring along a purse somewhere. It was a testament to how long she had been doing it that she didn't even ask anymore.

Vanessa screwed up her face in thought, sliding her arm through the crook of my elbow as we walked to the door. "I think they met at one of Tim's work mate's birthday parties. They've been inseparable ever since. Angela thinks tonight will be a good chance to get to know Alana a bit better."

Vanessa opened the door for us and we didn't even make it to the hostess stand before there was a roared cheer to our left. I spied the pushed together tables that the group had made and saw Sarah waving us over. Looking around, I took in the venue for tonight. It didn't take long to see why Vanessa picked the place. It's had some of my favourite food on the menu with a bit more of a formal dining atmosphere. I chuckled to myself as I thought that this might be the most formal thing this circle of friends has done since the year twelve formal. Reaching the table and looking around, it reminded me of how long it had been since I had seen them all. Gone were the childish grins of yesteryear; everyone looked like a grown-up now.

I set the cake box at the end of the table and went around to greet everyone. Sarah's hug lingered a little long; we dated back in school briefly around the formal. Looking back on it now, I took the wrong friend to the dance, but that's water under the bridge. Mike still had the athlete's physique; he must focus on it to keep it up since he's spending all day working on computers.

I kept going around until Tim introduced me to Alana. I could see why they were together; they were probably the best looking couple at the table. I couldn't help a glance at Vanessa with a "Wow!" expression in my eyes.

I wasn't sure how to read the look Vanessa gave me; when I caught her eyes, she seemed to stiffen a little. That moment passed quickly though as she hailed one of the nearby waitresses and passed her the cake to put in the fridge. We settled in at the table and I looked around at everyone, wondering why a silence fell over us as the others looked between each other. I could feel some unspoken comment circulating between them. Angela was the first to break the silence, the words practically exploding from her mouth.

"So... I know we're here for your birthday and to celebrate you being back and all... but are you two finally together, or what?!" Angela asked. Upset by the timing and the tactless question, Tim rolled his eyes and shook his head. In contrast, Sarah chuckled pleasantly.

"So much for a slow, smooth work up to that one, Angela..." Sarah sighed, smiling.

I could only smile and look at Vanessa. There was no sense dancing around it anymore; they must have seen it even back then. I reached over and took Vanessa's hand gently and held it.

"We are. It wasn't long after I moved back. I stopped fighting what should have been obvious to me all along..." I said smiling as I looked back at everyone.

They all lit up except for Tim, who let out a groan, reached into his pocket. He slapped a fifty on the table in front of Mike. Mike was more than happy to take it up with a tip of an imaginary hat and chuckled as he looked at Tim. "Told ya so," He whispered, making everyone laugh.

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