Chapter 2

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"another of what this babe is having and scotch for me" I look to the side as I hear that and I see a biker dood with a clean shaved head with a beard sneering at me. I showed him big eyes and wanted to kick myself for that, it's a turn on when it comes to these guys, I was definitely in over my head here alone and scared to move anywhere private or even the dance floor to get away since he would just follow me. I looked around when he was picking up his drink and although public places like this is forbidden to use magic, I was desperate "Liquorem biberunt imperio obsequendum dolor" besides it was both funny and got him away from me when he tipped his glass and it spilled down his beard and to his clothes and the rush of doing magic when it's forbidden here was exhilarating, the guy jumped out of the stool like a firecracker and gave a bear roar. I looked up at him in surprise, more to the effect of his size but scampered away without taking the drink when he went to dry himself. I was walking around with a slight smile on my face but eyes downcast when I was pulled behind the bar and up the stairs by someone, I couldn't see who as he, by the long and rough grip, was behind me and held both my upper arms "I don't know who you are, but you better let me go, I'm not a submissive and I never agree to anything" it's easier to be calm and give my two cents when I can't see who has me but there was a slight flicker of fear anyway, I just hoped he could hear it in my voice. The guy humfed but didn't say anything, he too sounded like a bear, what if it's the same guy I spilled scotch on? What if he saw me and is getting me into trouble, not like anyone here would believe him but my coven will hear about it and I'll be in trouble with them! We entered a dark half goth room slash dungeon room and I'm about to freak out "what's the meaning of this Denesh?" the guy, Denesh, pushed me more in the room and I saw the back of a guy at a small bar area and my breath caught because one, it was the drop dead gorgeous guy I saw earlier coming down the stairs and two, he had a cold chill surrounding him or aura which pegs him as a vampire. Now witches and vampires don't get along, kinda like a racist thing, well actually it's all species and the humans will be no different, if they learn of us. He turned around and leaned on the bar and looked me up and down and with an inquiring look, he raised an eyebrow in question. I looked to the guy behind me because he was the one that brought me here "she used magic in the club sir" I widened my eyes and my heart beat wildly in fear when I looked back to the vampire "thank you Denesh, this little witch and I will have a chat" the look he gave me was so intense and he didn't even look at Denesh while talking, so rude! I gulped when I was alone with him and tried to look at his eyes because I didn't want him to know I was intimidated and afraid or submissive. He got up and walked slowly towards me and I couldn't help it, I took a few steps back and my heart thundered so much so that I could feel the vibration of it. He stopped when he saw me move and tilted his head to the side and gave me a once over then he smiled! "why did you use magic in my club, miss..." his voice was suger coated but underneath it was hard and demanding "I made sure no one saw and it's witch business where I can and can't use magic" I totally ignored his obvious inquiry of my name but as a vampire, he would know who I am if I give out my name "that is true, unless... Unless of course, it is at an establishment owned by another supernatural" I gulped because he was right "I didn't know this was one by a vampire" I couldn't help the little distaste to be heard when I said vampire and I wished I could take it back because his eyes got hard and glared at me, making me look down. I didn't hear him move but when I peeked up, he was not where he was but a couple of feet away and I stumbled away but ended up falling on the bed, I was going to get out but he speed to me and bent down and tugged on my hair "answer my question, why did you use magic in my club?"

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