Chapter 8 - Alone Together

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Here I was, at Ron's shop. We were alone, everyone had gone. Ron had said there was something he had to tell me. He had texted me and said he had to tell me something, it was the whole reason I came to see him.

Our relationship had gotten stronger. We'd text almost every day. We knew each other's goals, dreams, fears... He was like my best friend.......... that I was slightly in love with, oops.

But really, his compliments were the best, and I loved spending time with him. He adored me. Not only that, but I caught myself thinking of him more than I should. You know that cheesy quote about how "he's the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning, and the last thought before I go to sleep." That's what Ron was to me.

So, here I was pleading with him to just say what he had to say. "You're putting me on the spot," he said, "I can't say it when I feel on the spot. I'm scared what I have to say might make you never want to see me again and I don't think I could handle that." But I just kept insisting.

He stroked my hair out of my face and rubbed my face with his hand. He kept getting closer, and closer. "I'm just mesmerized by you, he said." He looked around to see if anyone was around, then he leaned in. I thought - THIS IS THE MOMENT, he's going to kiss me!!! And just like that, he leaned back away and let go of my cheek. "I have to go, I promised myself I wouldn't do certain things or say certain things to you, and I just have to go, he said."

I was in shock. This all had happened so fast. How could he have me so confused? I replayed the moment in my head again and again. I couldn't figure out if I had done something wrong.

Before he left he gave me a tight hug and asked me to come work for him. "Work for you? I asked, How will that work?" "Just be here at 4 on Monday," he said.

Great, now I work for him? How could I contain myself. How could I look at him everyday and act like everything hadn't happened. I mean nothing did happen, I guess, but still. It felt like it. I'd I hoped something would happen eventually.

He texted me almost every morning just to see how my day was going. His hugs got longer every time I saw him. I couldn't get enough. I would come by his shop a couple times a week. He would text me and tell me his day would be better just if he saw me. And now I just couldn't figure out what was happening anymore.

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