Chapter 7 - The Dream

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Hey guys, thank you for reading my story.. Please feel free to leave comments and let me know what you think.. This chapter is going to have mainly dialogue, but i'm trying to make it to where it isn't confusing. Also, this chapter goes a long with the last chapter so make sure you read that one before this one.

I walked into Ron's office the next day ready to see all the pictures and see which ones he liked the best. As soon as I sat down he gave me the strangest look and said.......

Ron- You're not going to believe this. I mean you really aren't. The craziest thing happened last night.
Haven- Crazy? What do you mean by crazy?
Ron- Well, I had you thinking I was special and never had dreams. But.. Last night I had one.
Haven- What kind of dream?
Ron- Well here's the really crazy part, The dream was about you.
Haven- Me? What about me?
Ron- I just remember I was walking around this neighborhood. It was foggy and just strange. I got this feeling like there was something or someone I had to find. When I started looking, these people just started appearing, but I knew they weren't the people I was looking for. Eventually I came to this building. This giant building. I knew this is where I was supposed to go. I walked inside, and there you were. You were sitting there waiting for me.
Haven- I don't understand. Why? Why was I waiting for you?
Ron- I'm getting to that. So I see you, and you look just drop dead gorgeous just like any other time I see you. We look at each other for a second, then you look me in the eyes and say "I told you that you would have a dream tonight."
Haven- Okay, wow. I don't even know. Maybe you just wanted to dream about me.
Ron- Well there's no doubt about that. But I woke up at 3 AM. The dream just stopped after you said that. And honestly I couldn't go back to sleep after that. I realized that you're in my subconscious more than I thought. I mean you're showing up in my dreams that I didn't even know I could have. And something about that just worries me.
Haven- There's no need to be worried.
Ron- And why's that...?
Haven- Because you're stuck in my subconscious too.
Ron- You know that you never get out of my fucking head right?
Haven- I mean yeah, you never get out of mine.

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