Chapter 37- Sorrowful Autumn

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"You can bet your arse that's what I'm scared of," he grins. "But I'm much more scared of them being far more attractive than I am."

"Hm... Is that even physically possible?"

"Oh, it certainly is," he confirms. But I don't believe him for a moment.

I stand up, straightening out the wrinkles in my dress. "Do you want anything at any of the stores? Some chocolates, a Shakespeare novel?"

He chuckles. "Some chocolates would be nice, actually. Here, wait one moment."

I watch as he climbs out of bed, and fishes around his bag a bit before pulling out his wallet. Before I can protest, he is handing me a one hundred dollar bill. It looks fresh from the press, un-wrinkled and new.

"Tom, it's okay... I can pay for it." I refuse to reach for the money, not wanting to rely on him in any way, or even carry something of his with this value.

"I insist," he says with a smile.

"It doesn't take one hundred dollars to buy chocolates..."

"I thought you could buy anything else you like."

"That's... That's ridiculous, Tom. I have money."

"I'm just trying to be kind," he says softly, his eyes flickering down to the money, and then back up to me.

I sigh lightly, gently taking the money from his hand. "And you exceed at that, Thomas. I won't be long, I promise you."

Tucking the bill into my purse, I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair before hitting the streets.


Thinking of Tom and his unlimited kindness makes me think of Henry, and his unlimited honesty. I think even Tom is less honest than he was, but in a good way. I mean, if I'm looking bad one day, at least Tom will still tell me I'm beautiful to him, instead of telling me just how terrible I look. In fact, one particular Autumn evening comes into my mind when I think about Henry and his attitude.

Autumn was my favorite time of the year, and it still is. I had put on a warm, slightly oversized sweater and comfy jeans, planning to meet Henry at our regular café, with its regular old customers. We'd been seeing each other for two months at that point, and I thought I was in love. But what did I know? I'd never experienced love before, so I thought being with Henry was what it was like to be in love with someone.

I saw him sitting in our usual spot, reading from the menu. So, entering the café, I walked up behind him and put my hands over his eyes, grinning.

"Guess who?" I whispered.

"Come on, now, don't be immature," he scolded, taking my hands away.

So I shrugged it off and sat across from him, still smiling. I figured I had been a little annoying. I've never done that to him since, though I now promise to myself to try it on Tom, and see how he reacts.

"So do we have anything planned for the day?" I asked, folding my hands in front of me.

"Nothing in particular," he replied with a shrug.

I sat there for a moment, watching him as he read the menu. I don't know why I even asked him if we had plans. He never made plans. And what plans were there to make in this tiny town? We could see a movie, but nothing new was out. There was always the bookstore, but I'd seen all the books there were to see there.

"We can always go down to the lake," he suggested.

Happy and quite satisfied that he'd thought of something, I'd nodded, and we rose from our seats that instant, and his hand immediately slipped around mine. What felt so right at the time, now felt so wrong to even think about.

Twelve Red Roses (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora