Chapter 3- Crappy Hotel

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I went back to the terrible hotel after the zoo closed. Before parting, Tom and I had exchanged numbers, finally, and we learned what hotels we were both staying at. His hotel wasn't five stars, but it was certainly better than mine. Tom had awkwardly asked if I wanted to stay with him so I wouldn't have to stay at a bad quality hotel. He had blushed lightly and looked down at his feet after he asked, probably thinking I'd think he was creepy for asking such a thing. I, on the other hand, had just smiled and politely declined, saying I had already paid for my hotel room for the night. And then I did something I never would expect from myself. Even though he was so tall, I gently pulled him down and stood on my tip-toes at the same time, and kissed his cheek. That made him grin, and it had made me blush.

By the time I got back to my hotel room, I immediately changed into my pajamas and went to bed. Well, I didn't exactly go to bed immediately. I actually just lied under the covers of the uncomfortable bed and thought about Tom's offer. I can call Alice or Mary and see what they think. Then again, I already know what they'd say. They'll ask if he's handsome, and when I say yes, they'll probably use their motto: 'Why not?' I think that's partly the reason they have such fun lives. An opportunity comes up, and why not?

But seriously, why not? I myself noted earlier that I had felt less lonely when Tom was walking around the zoo with me. So... why not take a chance? I can leave anytime if things get bad.

I pull out my phone, and, even though Tom is probably in bed asleep by now, I send him a quick, short text.

Can you meet me somewhere tomorrow? Maybe at the Backspace Cafe down Main Street? -Cass

Now that I'd made my decision, I was a lot less stressed. Letting out a content sigh, I shut my eyes. But no more than a minute later, my phone buzzes.

Yeah, of course. What time? xT

11? I'm not sure how early you get up. -Cass

Eleven is fine:) So do does this mean you're joining me? xT

I smile lightly. I like the way he texts. He doesn't seem to be abbreviating things, which I absolutely hate when people do.

Yes, I do believe it does, Thomas. -Cass

Just then, Tom calls me. Surprised, I answer my phone, bringing it up to my ear. Before I can even say 'hello', Tom speaks.

"Oh, Cass, thank you, darling, thank you. You have no idea how worried I was that you would say no." Tom babbles for a moment, sounding like an overly excited child.

"Did you really think I was going to say no?" I ask after a moment, frowning lightly.

"Well... You didn't seem too keen on the idea at first," he points out.

"Ah, yeah.. That and I don't seem like the fun spontaneous type," I mumble.

"I wouldn't say that, Cass. You're fun and spontaneous. But you're also careful and practical. And it's a good combination. You've got it all, love."

I just let out a soft laugh, thankful that he can't see my reddening cheeks. "Do you always do that? Say kind things, even when you don't have to?"

"I try to," he admits. Then he sighs. Not a sad or bored sigh, but a content sigh. Like he's happy to be talking to me. "Are you tired?"

"Not really," I lie. "Why?"

"Because I want to talk to you a bit longer," he says. It's obvious he's smiling. "Is that alright with you?"

Normally I wouldn't agree to such a thing, but I actually enjoy talking to Tom. And our conversations seem to go on forever. We never get bored.

"Yeah, that's fine," I reply, trying to sound cool about it.

Twelve Red Roses (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon