Selfish me

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Selfish me

I didn't see

That you were hurting.

Selfish me

I didn't know

That you cried.

Selfish me

I didn't know

What you went through

Selfish me

I didn't know

That your happiness was a lie

Selfish me

I didn't see

You were so stressed

Selfish me

I didn't acknowledge

All that you do

Selfish me

Thought I was the only one

Selfish me

Didn't know you were too.

How could I know

What you went through

When all you did was smile

How could I know

That you were dying inside

How could I know

When all you do is pretend that you're okay

And that was true

But only for a short time.

When you finally let go

And stopped pretending you were fine

You began to blow up on me

On the flip of a dime

Selfish you

Didn't know I was hurting

Selfish you

Thought you were the only one

Selfish you

Couldn't see through the barrier between you and me

Selfish us

We thought we were the only ones.

Selfish us

We believed that no one could understand us.

Selfish us

We were too blind to notice

Selfish us

We didn't know that we weren't alone

Selfish us

Didn't see the main focus.

*****we are all selfish. Some more than others. We think we are alone and we pity ourselves but we don't seem to notice that the people around us are going thought the same stuff. We do something that the other doesn't know about, but then we think we are the only ones doing that. We blow up on each other for "not doing enough" or because they "don't have as much stuff to stress about or do nearly as much" but we actually just don't notice everything going on around us. We focus more on the bad than the good. We get mad at each other for not doing everything perfectly but when they do, we hardly notice, recognize, or acknowledge it. That is one thing that needs to change for the better. Everyone take a step back and just look around you. Notice all the things that people do and but no one acknowledges. Parents, educators, workers, kids, we all do stuff that doesn't get recognized enough. Parents care for their kids even when when they are acting like assholes all the time. They pay the bills, put food on the table, give us clothes, etc. Hardly anyone credits them for that. Educators deal with bitchy fuck face kids all day 5 days a week with low pay. Workers do stuff for the community and stress about getting enough money to bring home to pay the bills. It gets tough. Kids are new to having to manage things. And each year it gets harder. And when they get home, they'd like to take an hour or two to relax. It's all new to them. And it's exhausting. Sometimes the parents come home and just unleash on the kids and start yelling and get mad over the little things. But we all get like that. Everyone needs to see and acknowledge just how much everyone does and pitches in. So it's about time that happens. In the comment section, acknowledge someone and the things they do, even if they don't have Wattpad. You can make it one long comment if you have a lot or if you have multiple people. But acknowledge them. Acknowledge yourselves. Acknowledge the things that you and others do. Do it in the comments. I acknowledge all of my family and friends for all of the pain and struggle they go through everyday without someone else noticing. I acknowledge strangers for being themselves and living through whatever they are struggling with. I acknowledge all of my readers for everything y'all go through and everything y'all do for yourselves and others. I love you guys <3 see you in the comment section! Goodbye for now my wee little clouds ☁️

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