Y/N: And I need advice on how to ask someone to the dance coming soon.

They face planted from my stupidity.

Melanie: You just ask them.

Miltia: I personally say get the girl you choose a Rose. Roses represent passion and love.

Y/N: Hmmm... maybe.

Yang: Y/N, we're leaving.

I jog over to Yang.

Y/N: We get the info?

Yang: We got what we could...

Y/N: Not exactly the vote of confidence, are you?

We stepped outside, and Yang got a call from the team.

Yang: Hello?

Blake: Roman Torchwick is tearing up downtown.


Y/N: Where are you guys?

And on queue, I see Sun and Blake running down the street.

Sun: HURRY!!!

I summon my sparrow, and I speed off after them with Yang not far behind me. I soon see the machine and I smirk.

Y/N: Now this is a challenge.

???: No kidding.

I see my sister pull up beside me, and we bump fists.

Jacklyn: Let's drop some lead on this mother-

Y/N: FIRE!!!

I pull out my Trust and I open fire on the mech. It throws cars at us, and we take evasive maneuvers. I swear I'm gonna rip Roman apart when I catch him. I see Weiss up ahead, and she makes a circle of ice on the road. Soon, the mech slips and falls off the interstate.

Y/N: Sis, we're taking a detour.

Jacklyn: Bring it!

We fall off the interstate, and we land in front of the mech. We hopped off our sparrows, and came to a screeching halt. I'm soon tackled by a familiar rose, and she kisses my cheek.

Ruby: Thank Oum you're okay.

Y/N: Likewise. Now then...

I draw Trust and reload it.

Y/N: Let's wreck ourselves a mech.

Ruby shouts code names, and her team does their designated attacks. I start unloading round into the mech.

Roman: You're not even hurting this thing, you know that?

Y/N: Then let me introduce you to my Titan.

Jacklyn summons her Hammer of Sol, and starts going insane on the mech.

Roman: Oh, come on. That's so unfair.

Y/N: You should've accounted for us to show up, asshole.

I trigger my Spectral Blades, and I start cutting away at the mech. It bats me away, and I hit a support column of the interstate.

Yang POV

I'm working on trying to destabilize this thing's legs with Y/N, and I see him get hit by an arm. He hits a column under the interstate, and he falls to the ground. I trigger my semblance, and I beat down on the robot even harder, breaking its arm off. Soon, Roman jumps out, and stumbles.

Roman: I just had this cleaned. Well, ladies, Guardians... it's time I bid you farewell. Neo?

A small girl jumps in front of Roman, and the look of her pisses me off.

???: NEO!!!

I turn around, and I see Y/N barely standing with his helmet partially broken.


I look up, and I see Neo. I've seen her before when I was walking around with Emerald on a day off.

Y/N: NEO!!!

She turns to look at me, and I see her eyes turn sad. I can tell she's trying to not cry, and so am I. I slowly walk towards her, and she runs up to me, hugging me. She leans into my ear and whispers.

Neo: I'm sorry...

Y/N: I promise I'll find you...

She nods and kisses my cheek. She judo chops my neck, and I fall to the ground.

Neo: I love you...

I pass out from the neural overload I got from the chop. I feel two people try to immediately sit me upright while I hear the sound of glass shattering. I feel two pairs of hands trying to bring me back by slapping the back of my neck and rub my arms. Soon, I regained myself, and I saw Jacklyn and Blake trying to bring me back. Soon, I managed to regain some clarity, and we went back to Beacon.

Timeskip brought to you by a chibi hunter holding a rose for each member of RWBY

The night of the dance was here. I was in my suit that Coco bought for me while Jacklyn was in a blue dress that was admittedly slightly revealing, but only with the legs and cleavage. I walked up to the front entrance, and Yang kissed my cheek.

Yang: Good, you two made it.

Y/N: Yeah, someone tried to fit their DD chest into a smaller dress.

Jacklyn: I liked the black color...

Y/N: And I told you that you should've gotten it in a bigger size.

Jacklyn: That WAS the biggest size.

I sighed, and decided to just ignore it and walked inside. Soon, I'm met with a bunch of people, and I smiled.

Y/N: Ladies please... one at a time. Now... who wants to dance first?

They all immediately threw their hands up, and I sighed.

Y/N: Okay... number between 1 and 20.

Weiss: 20

Ruby: 1

Blake: 7

Yang: 13

Pyrrha: 17

Coco: 10

Velvet: 5

Glynda: 3

I looked at them all around me, and I pulled Ruby and Glynda to the side.

Y/N: Number between 1 and 10.

Ruby: 1

Glynda: 5

I extend my hand towards Glynda.

Y/N: Care to dance~?

Glynda: It'd be my pleasure~.

I lead Glynda to the dance floor and danced for a little bit. Soon after, I danced with the others, and I sit in a chair, catching my breath. I looked out the window, and I saw someone going towards the communication tower. I left discreetly only to be met by Cinder.

Cinder: And where do you think you're going, big boy~?

Y/N: I saw someone running towards the CCT building.

Cinder: Doesn't excuse you from dancing with me~. Or, you and I can head upstairs and spend some alone time~.

She started to trace her finger on my chest, and she grabbed my tie. She started to drag me upstairs, and had me against her. Unfortunately, I could feel her ass against my crotch, and she intentionally swayed her hips as we walked. I could tell this was gonna be an eventful evening.

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