chapter 3

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Waking up in a strangers bed, not knowing excactly where you were, was something Tally had always dreaded and hoped would never happen. But, in this case, she felt proud of herself that she consented to going home with him that night.

They had taken an Uber to his apartment, sitting awkward and tired in the back, watching the headlights go backwards. He gave her sweats and a jumper, that was so big on her, that she felt like she could get lost, and then they slept.

That night was was more than innocent; they were close and her head rested on his skinny chest, she smelled his skin and he her hair and they tangled up in each other, distractedly touching each other's skin.

Even in the morning Tally felt her skin tingle when she rushed into his kitchen.

Carter sat against the headboard when she woke up; her feet resting in his lap. Tally's cheek flushed a deep pink and she hid her face with her palms, which made him laugh.

She made tea. Everyone in England loved tea, so it was kind of her alternative to drink water.

"You're making tea?", Carter asked surprised, as he scuffled into the kitchen, pajama pants hanging low on his hips.

"Yeah, I love tea", she said, her cheeks still flushed but she didn't feel as exposed anymore.

"Of course you do", he laughed, watching her as she found her way around the kitchen he barely used. He was an awful cook. "Can I have some?"

"Coming up!"

Tally was glad her hands were busy, so she could look anywhere else but him. His hair was a bit messy and his collarbones poked out from how he was slumped on a bar stool. That night and that proximity of bodies had made her drawn to him and made her trust him, even though she didn't know him yet.

When they drank their tea. He started asking questions. The question he wanted to ask the night before when he was too tired. Every question made her realize he had listened to every single word she said. It felt good.

"So, Miss Campbell. What is it excactly you do here in Philly? It seemed like we talked about everything and nothing but not about your job". It wasn't a complain. Carter was sucking up every piece of information about her.

„I'm a cellist and painter. My friend Rose and I, we studied together in London, she took arts and i music. She then moved back here, I broke up up with my boyfriend, and thought it would be nice to change everything up a little. I don't know, I'm only 19 and I've went to school my whole life. I'm kinda ready to do some stuff other than that."

"So, you're up for adventures?" Carter smirked. He noticed that this was only a short insight to a long story, but he chose to just move on, as he already knows about her, that if she wants to, she will talk waterfalls about something. This was merely sparse summary.

Tally laughed and handed him his cup of tea.

"Yeah, you could say that."

Carter looked at her as they sipped the steaming goodness she made, and he could see how her smile wilted from one moment to another. Tally wanted to seem lighthearted about her past few years in London, in order to make him stop ask, and he noticed. He didn't ask further questions.

"So you live alone here? Since your family is back in London?", Carter asked, slurping tea from a small spoon, rather than just drinking it.

"No, I live with Rose and her parents. Her father was the guy that picked me up after the game, remember? His name's Tom", she finished. Rose's parents have welcome her like she was their own daughter, which made everything easier; moving to a new city, a new country. She was grateful for her new found family.

"Hey, what time is it?". Tally looked around the apartment searching for a clock.

"Uhh, last time I checked it was around twelve", Carter said and saw the colour leave her skin. Tally started mumbling innocent curse words under her breath collecting her things.

"I'm sorry, I have to be at practice in... seven minutes." She dropped her arms in frustration throwing her head back.

"Shit... can I give you a ride at least?", he offered. She wanted to argue but in this case she no other option. She gave him a thankful nod and started to hurry around his flat to collect her belongings, stopping in front of the coffee machine to swipe away the mascara from under her eyes.

"Ready?", Carter asked from the doorway lazy clothes and a flyers cap on his hat. He hadn't asked what kind of practice she was heading to; he didn't want to steal anymore of her time.

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