"Aren't all of us?" He smiled, "The Mexs are still asleep." He motioned to the beds a little while away, where the Mexican twins were cuddled up sharing a bed.

They had come back from Portugal's room earlier that morning. And basically the whole family was tired. Brazil had stayed in his father's room, still he established the fact that he wanted to stay. But the rest of them left. Some were planning on attending meetings.

After getting more sleep.

The relief and emotion of their family finally healing again after the past few months was overwhelming and now it seemed like that triggered everyone's sleeping schedules to try and fix themselves.

Everyone was just so tired all of a sudden. Canada had carried Maria on the walk to his room.

The Americas along of the rest of the western hemisphere were on the third floor.

North America had just crashed in Canada's room. Mainly because America was sharing with Canada and the Mexs were barely awake.

They could  sleep in extremely late if they wanted to.

But yeah. During the walk, America had been very nervous and jumpy. He was afraid of running into Russia or the agents.

But to act as a shield, his oldest cousins in the group walked in front, his siblings at his sides, and his other cousins behind him.

That had helped alot.

Canada got up and walked to a tray of food on the counter. He took a plate and a cup and set it down in front of Alfred. "Ven got us some breakfast before she headed to the Latin American Meeting." They also had some more food left over from last night.
Canada had taken some while one of their cousins had taken the rest.

The Latin American Meeting had been rescheduled since last time, South America had barely showed and Mexico didn't come at all. Leaving mainly just Central America.

But things were getting better now. So the only ones who wouldn't be there was Mexico.

But hey, Alfred really wanted to spend some time with his siblings. So it would be a pretty chill day for North America.

"I would eat," He said, "But I think I'm planning on going back to sleep."

Canada nodded and was quiet for a moment..... He  then looked back at his brother and slowly started to speak, "Al?"

America opened his eyes and kept back a yawn, "Hmm?"

"What-"  Canada stopped and sighed. How could he word this? "How did they treat you...?" He knew the government's treatment of America had been terrible. Brazil had managed to take him, Ecuador, and Urangay aside and tell what America had said when he rambled out some words after Portugal brought him in the room.

They monitored him?

Starved him?

Didn't even help him in any way, shape, or form?

But even with that, he and the rest of the family still didn't know much or have any details as too what Alfred went through in the custody of the government.

America stiffed....... did his brother really want to know?.... that didn't matter anymore right? He wasn't with the government anymore...

He was here, with them.


Yeah, the Pres was long gone behind him.... And besides, that guy's term would be up very soon so yeah... He wouldn't have to worry about him anymore.

So did it really matter?

"Al?" Canada asked, starting to get concerned.

He really didn't want to think back to being in the White House, not just yet... What if this was all a lie, all just a freaking li-


America shook his head, he felt tear start to form.... He didn't want to talk about it yet.

Not just yet.

Canada put his hand on top of his brother's and rubbed it in comfort. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, okay?" He gave him a smile.

Alfred immediately felt comforted and nodded. 

Besides, if he let out all his problems to his family, wouldn't that just count as burderning them? 

He didn't want that.

America stayed quiet as Canada rubbed his hand.

He kept calm, he had to stay cool and collective for his brother. When he learned the full story of what they did to his little brother, it would be then, he would take action. 

"How about," Canada started, "Us and the Mexs, when they wake up, just have a movie marathon all day and eat whatever we want? We still have a lot of food left over."

America thought about it... Eat whatever he wanted...

The President hadn't allowed that.

He slowly and shyly nodded his head and Canada smiled. "We can all eat together when they wake up."

Alfred nodded again..... "Mattie?" He finally spoke as Canada took the plate of food in front of him back on the tray.

His brother looked at him.

"Yeah Al?"

America looked down and shifted nervously, "Can we go outside later?"

Please say yes, please say yes.

Well... the Pres always said no... so why would his brother say yes?

Canada looked at him. He didn't ever have to ask for that.. But for some reason, he felt like this was important to his brother... He softly smiled and nodded.

"Of course we can."


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