Chp 1 : Introduction

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The sun is slowly starting to shine bright as the inhabitants of Konohagakure no sato begins to awaken from their night sleep. Mother's begin to cook for their children and husband's, shops began to open, shinobis began to exchange shifts, lights were switched off as the sun rises in the horizon.

"Hey, Naruto. There's report from one of our allies. Omoi delivered it personally, he said it was crucial." Shikamaru said as he tosses the scroll unto the Hokage's desk. Naruto slowly wakes up as he yawns, looking down at the scroll before opening it slowly. "What could be so important for him to deliver it person-" Naruto was interrupted as he read what was written on the scroll.

"Cee, alongside a division of Kumogakure Jonins were eliminated somewhere in the land of Iron!?"

"What!? Who could even eliminate such a force in such a short time?"

"Could it be, Urashiki of the Otsutsuki clan?"

"We must summon the fi-"

Shikamaru was interrupted as a certain someone appeared before them. Uchiha Sasuke, he looks devastated as he slams the Hokage's desk, crushing it.

"Naruto. Go into your sage mode, now."

"What, why- alright then."

Naruto's eyes widdens as he looks straight at Sasuke's eyes, a tear running down his cheeks.

"What do you see!"

Shikamaru asks as the tension grows.



"Have been levelled to the ground-" Said Sasuke and Naruto in unison as Shikamaru looks in shocked.

Both Naruto and Sasuke took a long pause as they then look at each other, nodding as they both looked out of the window, seeing a large figure on the sky.

"This presence- He's far stronger than Momoshiki, w-who is this guy!?"

Naruto shouts as he turns into Kurama Cloaked Senjutsu mode before disappearing alongside Sasuke.

The two of them reappearing on the rooftop of a building under the mysterious figure.

"Who are you!?"

"So you are the strongest of this universe? Let's see what you can do."

Sasuke's right eye forms the Eternal Mangekyo as his perfect susanoo forms, aiming his bow as he prepared to fire while Naruto quickly transforms into a gigantic Kurama, opening it's mouth as they prepare to fire their respective attacks.

The mysterious figure only stood there in the sky, looking down curiously as they both fired. Their attacks both hitting him, creating a massive bright explosion in the sky, sending massive shockwaves everywhere.

"Sasuke, did it hit?"

"I think it did, but did we get him?"

As the smoke cleared the light fades away, on the sky the mysterious figure stood strong, not even scratched by their combined attacks.

"Is that it?" He asks, disappointed.

The mysterious figure simply raised a finger as both the nine tails and the perfect susanoo were instantly teleported in front of him. He simply snapped his fingers towards them as the shock created by it was enough to send both of them flying, completely shattering the susanoo and causing the nine tails figure to disappear.

Both Sasuke and Naruto would come down crashing down on the ground, creating a large crater compareable to the one pain was able to make to Konoha. The both of them stayed down as they desperately attempt to stand back up.

"Shit- how can he be that.. powerful.."

Meanwhile in Konoha, their shinobis have gathered up, led by Hatake Kakashi and Sarutobi Konohamaru.

"Everyone battle position! Attack him with everything you have!" Konohamaru shouts as everyone yells in unison, taking their positions as they await their attack signal.

"Naruto.. Sasuke, don't tell me that guy took them down in one attack." Kakashi mutters to himself as he observes their mysterious opponent.

"You're all nothing but buts-" The mysterious figure says as he crosses his arm. Tilting his head as he awaits for their useless retaliation.

"Now!" Konohamaru shouts as he throws a giant shuriken, before forming handsigns, causing the shuriken to multiply into hundreds of shurikens.

The others launched their attack with their strongest Jutsu, causing a mix of flames, waters, wind, lightning and Earth Jutsu being launched massively towards the mysterious figure. 

The mysterious figure simply shook his head as he points his palms towards their attack, in an instant their attacks stopped moving towards his direction and quickly was reversed, it was all being sent back towards them.

"It's hopeless-" Konohamaru says as the shinobis all look at the attack quickly going their way, realizing their unavoidable doom.

"This power, what is he?!"
Kakashi mutters to himself seconds before their attacks had hit themselves. The destruction caused by their combined attack wiped out 3/4 of the village, causing collateral damage and ending most of the lives in Konoha.

"What a waste. At least it is better than the last universe, they were literally filled with powerless beings- Here? I guess I can watch a good fight, well then-"

Before he was able to finish, he was blasted a combination of Indra's arrow and Rasen Shuriken Bijuudama. Causing an even greater explosion, the shockwaves itself causing an incredibly large crater.

"I don't know who you are.. or what you want, but we will never forgive you for what you did!" Naruto shouts as they had fused the susanoo with the nine tails.

The mysterious being would still stand there, the blast only causing a few bruises in his body.

"Not bad, I felt that, although it was naught but an itch."

Naruto and Sasuke would appear in front of the mysterious figure, slashing their massive sword in an attempt to damage their mysterious opponent. But instead, the sword broke as soon as it made contact.

"Impossible! Who the hell are y-" Before Sasuke could finish, their combined transformation were shattered, not just that but even Sasuke and Naruto themselves was sliced in half.

The mysterious figure had slashed the Kurama Susanoo with one finger, absolutely demolishing it as the 7th Hokage and the Shadow Hokage fall to their deaths.

"Not bad."

The mysterious figure says as he looks around the destroyed ruins of Konoha, he simply chuckles as he raised his right hand.

"Well then, let us see who truly is the champion of this universe. Universe 07."

The mysterious being smiles before snapping his fingers, it was time.

For the ultimate battle tournament of universe 7.

The Arena (Naruto fanfic battle)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ