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<Day 14>

I inspected the toy on my hand, it reminded me of a nut cracker in an old Barbie Christmas movie I used to watch when I was a kid.

The little toy is as big as my thumb, it had snow white hair that tallies with the golden helmet. The nose is small and glued perfectly in the middle with a moustache on top of his mouth that contains a straight line of teeth going down to his jaw.

I put it down beside my notes.

"Unnie, what's that?"

I straightened back up my seat, my back touching the soft comforter of the brown sofa. I smiled to the younger girl who wore an apron over her comfy grey sweater, her hair in a ponytail with fake glasses sitting atop the bridge of her nose. She settled my drink in front of me and I thanked her, satisfied by the smoke in indications of its warm beverage.

"I got it in my advent calendar." I gave her the little toy. Before taking a sip of my flat white, savouring the hot liquid that warms my body in this cold weather. I smiled at my custom-made mug which contains more random doodles from Roseanne, along the word wifey caligraphied beautifully.

"It's cute." She returns it to me and continues to look on to my notes on the table. "How was your exams?"

"Stressful. My last one is on the 17th and then I'm finally done." I happily cheered, she chuckled back. "How about you?"

"Last one tomorrow."

"Why do you never look stressed?"

"It's just my face product." The Aussie laughs.

"How's Lisa?"

"She's fine. You know, being Lisa."

"I haven't seen my stupid roommate in two days."

"Yeah, she's been in the library with me."

"Thank you for taking care of her, who knows what'll happen to her if she's left all alone?"

"Don't worry about it, everyone knows she's not exactly vigilant."

"That hoe will probably do it with someone on my bed if she doesn't go to your room. So I'm really thankful, unnie."

I smiled back, well aware of Lisa's flirty history.

"Well, I gotta go. See you around Wifey." She waved away, retreating to the counter to take the next order.

*Ring* *Ring*

I picked up the buzzing phone on my table, the mention of Lisa's contact name made me smile and roll my eyes at the same time.

The best in your life...
Accept | Decline

"What do you want now, Lailisa?"

"Go out with me?" I was taken aback. "Excuse me?"

"What do you mean excuse you? I'm bored and I have no one to hang out with." Idiot. She should have worded that differently.

"Don't you have to study?"

"I'm resting today. It's my rest day."

"And you expect me to rest with you?"

"Yes, because I know you already are."

I contemplated the decision, "I guess..."


"Why am I friends with you?"

"Because you love me?" She grinned.

I glanced at the cashier wearing a nutcracker outfit, it definitely didn't look comfortable, that's for sure. She keeps pulling on her collar, a frustrated look on her face, and it doesn't help with the fact that we're aggravating her with our indecisive asses.

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