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"What did you get for day 4 then?"

"Oh it's a-" I looked around in search for my answer, but in the process catching a glimpse of the blonde who was trying poke open Day 9 on the Christmas calendar.

"Yah, what are you doing, pabo?" I slapped her hand away and took away the advent calendar from her view.

I rolled my eyes as I listen to her whine like a child whose toy was just taken away. Technically, she is. I shushed the yapping child and jumped back on the bed beside her.

"Day 4 had a paper cutout of a gingerbread man." I held the drawing between my fingers, grinning as I shove it infront of her face.

"It looks terrible." This bitch.

"Yah. Lailisa. Like you can do any better." I snapped, shoving her with all my strength that triggered something in her braincells that made her start laughing like a nut job. "I'm serious. That doesn't look like a gingerbread man at all."

"Just shut up. It doesn't matter if it doesn't look like it. What matters is it's a sweet gesture."

"You don't even know who's sending them."

The taller girl rolled on her back, resting the back of her head against her left forearm. I followed suit, staring into the ceiling the same way.

"They'll probably reveal themselves when the time comes."

"And what if they don't?" I could hear her raising her eyebrows without needing to look at her face.

"Then I'll find out who they are."

"Confidence will get Jennie Kim anywhere."

"Hmm." I rolled to my side, eyeing the side of her face, admiring the chiseled jawline and the big almond eyes gazing up into nothingness. She turned her face to look on to me, her smile almost blinding my vision.

"Aren't you suppose to be out there, wooing your way into girls' pants?"

"It's cold today."

"So? Isn't that perfect? Warm them up in the cold, charm them with your smile, wait for them to come crawling to you."

"Sounds ideal. But no. Rather stay here."

"You just wanna be surrounded by my presence."

"And what if that's actually true?" I looked up to her mischievous smile.

"As if that'll actually be true."

"Whatever rocks your boat I guess." She turned back to the ceiling, the soft smile lingering on her mouth. I mean, I understand why girls would come crawling.

Doesn't mean I will.

"It's almost midnight, did your secret admirer do anything that involves a gingerbread?"

"Not yet, but then again, I didn't even leave my dorm today, what can possibly hap-"

*Knock knock*


"Maybe it's the delivery?"

We shared a glace before I struggled out of bed, grunting in effort. I slipped on my green alien slippers and rushed to the door.

I hesitated to open the knob, peaking at the cause of sound before pushing it open.

"Jisoo unnie? What the hell are you doing here at this hour? I thought you were my chicken ane beer delivery." She flung the hoodie off from her head, her nose going pink from the cold, the snowflakes on her coat slowly melting away to water particles. God, it's freezing. "You're going to have chicken, and you didn't bother calling me?"

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