These are the Idiots

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Ashton's POV

Hikaru got up and went to the door and locked it. My dad started pounding on the door.

"Ashton, open this door right now! I don't like you being locked in there with two shady boys who look exactly like you!" he exclaimed.

"Dad..." I deadpanned. "These are the idiots I told you about; these are my two brothers."

My dad stopped pounding on the door.

"Ohh!" I heard him blush like a little girl. "I'm going to go get some cake, have the door unlocked and the table set up when I come back!"

"Whaaa?!" the twins exclaimed.

"He's also an idiot even though he's a lawyer. He's excited he has two new sons to play with." I laughed.

"Ahh. Now what table did you have to set up?" Kaoru asked.

"Yeah, you only have a desk, but that's too small." Hikaru said.

"Just watch." I said as I walked to my blocked shelved game stand and pulled it away from the wall and then pulled the back off and put the two support poles under it. "See?"

Hikaru and Kaoru had their mouths wide open.

"I would close your mouths, you're going to catch flies." I laughed.

They closed their mouths.

"I'm back, my darling children!" my dad exclaimed as he pranced into the room and set the cake and tea down on the table I just set up. "Now take a seat and tell me everything about yourselves."

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