Start from the beginning

  XiuYin stood on the spot and instantly decided that he didn't like the image of Lu ShiZun walking away from him... and regarding what he just said... XiuYin is now determined to grow up bigger than ShiZun... In all departments!

  XiuYin turned and stepped through the open door into a dark room. The rooms interior was of dark stone, and the ceiling arched in a circle making him feel like he was stood inside an orb. The door he had just entered through slammed shut but XiuYin wasn't alarmed. He closely observed his surrounds and saw that the walls were covered in cases of all sizes and shapes. He walked around once and turned on the spot.

  He stood silently for a while when he felt a tug on his soul. His head whipped in the direction from where he felt the pull. his eyes landed directly on a long case. He walked towards it and paused, remembering Lu ShiZun's words of not touching it. Instead he called to the object lying within with his soul.

  What responded was a clatter, the object inside moved. It moved again this time stronger, it started clanging and banging, and eventually the case was being moved along with it, XiuYin jumped back as the case felt to the floor and cracked slightly.

  Bang! Bang! bang! 

  The crack grew and grew until something flew out faster than the speed of light. XiuYin observed as what seemed to be a long, thin sword hovered in the air high above him. The sword hovered there a while before shooting down onto XiuYin, just before the blade was about to pierce his head, his surroundings became black. He looked around, turned  in circles and found nothing but black.

  " you will  die." A small voice said.

  "Who's there!" XiuYin said, now on guard.

  "I can see through the depth of  your soul boy, I can see your future and past, I can hear your most intimate thoughts and feel your darkest desires boy."

  "What do you mean I will die?" XiuYin asked, at the same time disturbed at the voices claims.

  "I mean what I said. There is a stain on your soul, a parasite latched onto your life force. You will without a doubt, die before your time."

  XiuYin remained a straight face. "How do I get rid of it?"

  "Remain by the side of the object of your desire and yearning, fate will play it's cruel games."

  "???" XiuYin looked into the darkness in confusion, desire and yearning were heavy words that did not belong in his dictionary... yet.

  The darkness seemed to sigh before saying, "The one you'll come to love and cherish, the one who is the stars to your moon and the sun to your horizon. The beloved child of the gods and cure to your curse."

  "Where will I find such a person..." XiuYin mumbled, confused at the riddles the darkness gave him.

  "Look no further than you already have."

  The voice faded away and XiuYin was back in the room, however in his hands was the heavy weight of cold steel. He glanced down and saw obsidian coloured steel and hilt of a long, straight sword. There were no engravings anywhere on the sword as he turned it, no mark or words inscribed. But he could feel power emit from it. XiuYin flipped the sword in his hands twice before walking out, one hand holding the sword, the other holding his chest, thinking about what the darkness said.

  There's a parasite on your soul....

  Meanwhile back in his own residence was BiMing. After sending XiuYin off he came straight back to the house. Earlier that day, whilst XiuYin was still meditating, a crow had arrived with a message tied to it's claw, but it flew directly into a wooden post. So hard that BiMing winced as he heard a crack and the dying fluttering sounds as the bird fell to the floor. BiMing picked up the limp bird's corpse, still warm in his hands. He stared at it before noticing that the bird had a chipped beak, missing leg and eye. He took the message out discarding it on the tabletop before walking into the yard to bury it.

  Now that XiuYin was gone he decided to open the small scroll. The words were written in red.

To my most precious flower,

Your scent grows stronger by the day,

Zhen grows impatient with the passing hour,

Forgive the delay,

Zhen will soon pluck you from amongst the scum,

Play whilst you can,

For when I come, your blood will beat like a drum.

Wait for me.

  BiMing stumbled backwards as he let the piece of paper slip through his hands. What sick fuck writes such nauseating words... He thought before the piece of paper on the ground burst into flames and then was left with nothing but ashes. BiMing Felt his spine stiffen as fear dragged it's claws across his skin. He stared wide eyed at the pile of ashes before drawing out his whisk and flinging an attack at it, destroying the floor where it was, however the more he lashed at it the more the ash spread, his heart beat accelerated as bile rose in his throat. Those provocative words brought forwards memories he buried at the depth of his mind. He attacked and attacked, at the ashes that seemed to evade and envelope his being

  The room was torn up, broken. As was the man breathing heavily in it...


A/N- wowaaaaaa... dun dun dun dramaaaaa, finally the story is rollin.

- so it seems my education is thrown out the window, on the path to become a BL writer hahahhahaha........ I have so much to write!!! *A*

- anyways, hope you enjoyed! I just wanted to  write some more today XD

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