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Timeline: Nearing the end of the great World War II

In a dark chamber, 12 cloaked figures bowed before the throne. On the throne sat The Master. Just then, The Master spoke.

"What is the meaning of this?! I've been told that the mortals have been victims to all of your petty wars!"

The fifth figure, Blue, rose to speak. "Forgive us, master. We-"

"Silence! I shall not hear anymore of your excuses nor shall I hear anymore of this nonsense! All of you shall receive your punishments according to your mistakes!"

The Master then summoned up 12 gems in front of himself, each having different colours. These gems were life source of the 12 powerful beings. Once it breaks, the powerful beings die. Buy the gems are carefully kept by The Master. This is because if the powerful beings die, so does Earth. The powerful beings' punishment was to have their gems squeezed. This can cause agonising pain to the powerful beings. The severe the mistakes, the stronger the punishment. That is how the punishment goes.

Soon, the punishment started. Bloodcurdling screams are let out as the powerful beings received their punishment one by one. The ones most severe are Red and Silver's. They were the two most main powerful beings who started the World War II. After the punishment, both Red and Silver were found panting on all fours.

"Never get the mortals involved in this. That is all. You are all dismissed,"

"Yes, master. Thank you," the powerful beings said in unison before vanishing into thin air.

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