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A lone figure stood on the rocks
The violent waves enveloping it in its salty embrace
Brine beat against cold, hard rock
Trying to make it succumb,
Make it its prey

Gulls squawk overhead in chaotic cacophony
Fish flop ashore and flop back in
Clams open for their daily dose and close again
From fishermen's boats to rotten wrecks
Beautiful mangroves to slimy seaweed

And yet the figure did not move.

The persistent beat of the ocean ate away at stubborn rock
Generations of humans' imaginations ran away with themselves
The children grew up over a sandy shore
They held races to the stony face up ahead
Lives claimed by the sea, lives lived by the sea

And yet the figure did not move.

For how could it, set in stone
Waiting for a lover that would never return
Legend has it, the tribe chief's daughter
Caught the eye of a creature, swimming out there
It was a merman, handsomely so
They fell in love, never was one so pure
But it was forbidden, imminent danger loomed
Vowed to keep her safe, he promised that he'll return
She hasn't moved since,
For who would she be to question her lover's word?

And as she stands forlornly at that slippery outcrop
Eyes glistening with hope that he'll return
Centuries ago was a promise made and
Centuries later, it is yet to be fulfilled.

A heart that bleeds,
A tale set in stone.
Questioning fate,
Forever unknown.
Unmoving, Unerodable
A love that stands firm,
Facing the unbeknownst.

The figure has not moved yet.
Nor it ever will.

~ 13 January 2019

* * *

This one is kinda all over the place but okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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