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Why do you have to be so stupid.
The absolute opposite of expressionless
You give your all
And yet it's not enough
They want more
Dignified yet funny
Responsible yet laid back
Decisive yet fickle
Careful yet clumsy
Loud yet quiet

You're the wrong things mixed with the wrong aspect
If you're dramatic you carry on too far
If you're clumsy, it irritates everyone
You get excited and everyone steals a look and laugh within their circles
And it's not the nice laugh either
It's the one that makes you feel ashamed of who you are
It's the one that makes you conscious of what you do
It's the one that feeds your mind negatively about yourself

You start trying to change yourself
Diet more, talk less
You push people away, they spread rumours
You slowly drown in the sea of lacking companions
Your poisonous thoughts from peers being the water

Who's the player then?
It's you who's dictating life or life dictating you?
It's society that begins it
And yourself that ends it.
We have no choice in the matter
In the end, we're all just pawns in the game of life.

~  12 February 2018

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mars; venus ➵ poetryWhere stories live. Discover now