Chapter 8

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I woke up with the loud roaring of tigers. When I first heard it, I was terrified. And then I realized that I was in Australia Zoo and any freaking thing could happen here. It was still dark out and when I checked my phone to read the time it read, 4:12. I groaned. That was way too early for me. I usually wake up at around eleven when I have a holiday. I got out of bed and went to brush my teeth. I can't stand morning breath and prefer to brush my teeth before breakfast. I changed into the same outfit as yesterday.

(Just in case you don't know)

I didn't know if anybody else would be awake so I decided to go to Ashley's room

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I didn't know if anybody else would be awake so I decided to go to Ashley's room. I got out of mine and knocked on her door. She opened it looking very cheerful.

"You seem happy," I said, walking into her room. Her room was the same size as mine but it had a balcony and didn't have any photographs on the walls.

"I am! I can't wait for today!" she exclaimed.

"That's great. Neither can I, but Ashley, do you know when we're leaving?" I asked, trying to keep it down.

"Why? It's only our second day here," she replied back with a confused expression.

"Just because. Now tell me, do you?" I asked, starting to get annoyed.

"No, no I don't. Although I hope it's for long. I like it here," she said, smiling.

"Since when did you start liking animals and how do you know  so much about Terri and...the Irwins in general?" I asked.

"I have been their fan for quite a bit now," she revealed.

"What?!" I said, astonished.

"Yeah, I was nervous when I found out we're coming here 'cause everyone is when they're meeting a person they're a fan of. I know a lot about them," she said, blushing slightly.

"Woah. Since when?" 

"A couple of months maybe."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why should I have? I wasn't embarrassed. I just thought you wouldn't care."

"Well, that's nice that you got to meet them," I smiled.

"Thank you! It is nice. Andrea, you want me to tell you something?" Ashley said, giggling a little.


"I kinda.. you know what, nevermind."

"No. Tell me. What do you wanna say?"

"Uhh, I kinda ship you with Robert."

I didn't say anything except for raise an eyebrow.

"It's just a ship. But I think you both look really cute together," she said, tensing up a little.

I smiled, trying as best as I could to not blush. "Thank you, I couldn't ask for a better compliment."

She smiled, more in relief than anything.

"I ship myself with him too," I laughed.

Ashley chuckled. We heard a knock on the door. Both the mothers and Robert came in.

"Good morning girls," Mom greeted us.

"Good morning," we said in unison.

Robert looked really sleepy but he smiled.

"How are you girls? Did you have a good night's sleep?" Terri asked.

"Oh, I slept really well," I said.

"Me too," Ashley said.

"How have you liked the zoo till now?" Mom asked.

"It's so big and just...brilliant," I said, getting excited.

"What are you planning to do today?" Terri asked.

"We're all going on a proper tour of the zoo. Bindi and I are going together and Robert and Sada are going together," Ashley informed.

"Why apart?" Mom asked.

"Well, Andrea and Robert like photography and Bindi and I don't like it much. So while we do our thing, they can do their photography," Ashley said.

"Well, enjoy. I think Bindi has gone out to feed some animals. Come down for breakfast," Terri smiled.

"We will, thanks," Ashley said.

"Have fun kids," Mom said as she headed out the door.

After the moms left it was just Robert, Ashley and me. 

"Ugh, sometimes I hate the fact that we have tigers here," Robert said, rubbing his eyes.

"Why?" Ashley asked.

"They roar at four. I can't sleep till seven even," he replied.

"Hmmm, I find it fun, something different," Ashley said.

"Riiiiight," I said, finding it hard to believe.

"Anyway, how many cameras did you bring?" Robert asked me.

"I own two, so I got one," I said.

"What's the other one?"

"It's the same one. I bought another one, just to make sure that I have a spare if something happens to the one I brought."

"Hmm, well, we obviously can't visit every animal here so we need to try to skim through all the animals we see to try to get as many pictures as we can," he said.


"Let's go down now, I really wanna eat," Ashley said.

We made it down and saw donuts on the kitchen table.

"Yaaasss! I love donuts," Robert exclaimed.

I smiled. That's so cute.

After we had breakfast, Robert went up to get ready and Bindi came back home.

She talked to us until Robert came back down. He looked much happier now. He had got his Khaki on and looked much more lively.

"Crikey! I can't wait to take some pictures," he said, jumping with excitement.

"Now that's much more like you!" Ashley laughed.

"Yeah, I was kinda grumpy when I woke up but I guess a good morning shower brightens you up. Anyway, come on now, let's go," he said.

"Alright, come on Ashley," Bindi chuckled.

"Wait, I don't have my camera," I said. "I'll go get it," I said.

"We'll leave, come on Bindi," Ashley said.

"Okay, enjoy the both of you, bye!" Bindi said.

"Bye," Robert and I said in unison.

I went up and got my camera. I came down to see Robert playing with his camera straps.

"Should we tell our mothers?" I asked, approaching him.

"There shouldn't be a need. Come on," he said, taking my hand as we left the door.

{A/N: Okay, so I know there isn't much going on in between Sada and Robert right now, but I promise, that'll change soon. Also, I'll probably be changing Sada's name to something else and if I do, then everything that includes her name in the story will be changed to the new name. And if you are reading this after I've changed the name then just ignore this. Okay, bye! :)}

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