A day in hell (part2)........

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Beelzebub gulped as a faint trace of fear graced his face as Luci started to walk towards him. "What do you think you are doing causing so much disruption suddenly? I thought I raised you better Bell but it seems I may have been too lenient with you." Luci's eyes were serious and his face was with no expression at all as he approached Beelzebub who was not able to move at all. As Luci came closer to him Beelzebub the guy seemed as if he wanted nothing else than to get out of the room as fast as he possibly could. "I... I apologize for behavior and misconduct," he said in a loud voice which caused Luci to halt some steps away from him and the bloodthirst to disappear into thin air. Luci was once again smiling as he tapped his son's shoulder with an approving smile and nodded at him happily.

He is totally treating him like a little kid.

"Hmm... That was some good apology but you still need to be punished for scaring Ray and Allen," Luci said as he raised his hand to slap Beelzebub. As soon as Luci's hand touched Beelzebub's cheek he was sent flying from the impact. Beelzebub broke walls of three rooms and finally stopped at the fourth room with blood coming out of his mouth. Allen and I had black lines all over our face because of the shock we received from watching the scene. Luci just how much strength did you use to slap him? Were you reprimanding him or trying to kill him with your slap?

All the maidservants in the area were startled by the sudden loud sound of walls breaking. Beelzebub stood up as he wiped the blood from his mouth as if he just fell down and not sent flying by his father's slap and came back to the room to the room acting as if what just happened was nothing other my imagination.

Then Luci turned back and faced us as he apologized to us while patting us on our head, "Both of you I'm sorry if Bell scared you." He smiled at us apologetically. "Ah... Bell we were talking about Allen and Ray forming a contract and getting a familiar."

Beelzebub: "Huh?! Why do you want them to get familiars aren't they too young for forming a contract? Will they be able to withstand the whole ceremony?"

Lucifer: "Don't underestimate them Bell they may just surprise you."

Beelzebub: "Whatever as if they can even persuade a demon to become their familiar. It's only because you are the one suggesting it that anyone will agree to become their familiar."

Hearing that I cannot help but feel angry about what he said we cannot get familiars on our own? He cannot get familiars on his own. I frowned and he saw me and made a haughty face. I got even angrier as I clenched my teeth and fists as I swore that I will get a familiar on my own. As I was busy making promising to myself Luci asked us what kind of demon would we like to enter a contract with. Allen at his question tilted his head on the side with a question above his head telling that he didn't have a clue of what Luci was talking about. Luci sighed as he explained to us that there are many types of demon some who have an appearance more like animals and some who looked more human-like Luci and Beelzebub.

After Luci gave us an explanation he gave us a little bit of time to decide what kind of demon we would like to enter in a contract with. While Luci asked Beelzebub to come with him as he wanted to talk to him privately and they went to another corner of the room from where their voices could not be heard. But after Luci and Beelzebub returned to ask us what kind of demon we would like Beelzebub had a sour face with a frown as if he was dissatisfied something.

Luci too noticed Beelzebub's frown but ignored and proceeded as he asked Allen his choice. Allen answered him that he would like a demon with an animal's appearance. And as for me, I had no particular interest in a kind so I was ok with entering the contract with anyone. Thus, Luci suggested that we divide and go find someone who will form a contract with me and Allen. So Allen and Luci were in a group while Beelzebub and I were in a group.

Reincarnated in another world as twinsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن