Chapter 10:

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She had never been to this type of places. Never been one to go partying with other students like this. Sure, she'd go out with Cake and the others during her spare time but she always manages to tell her parents before hand. Not to mention the places they've usually gone to were cafes, malls, and amusement parks. The place where she is right now is one of those parties which juvees goes to. She can see on one corner kids puffing weed. Another group where kids are drinking, some are even wasted. She wonders herself how come she let Marceline drag herself to such a place.

Now, she's sitting alone on a booth near the stage. She eyes the raven haired girl on stage playing and singing a song she has never heard off. But she must admit it was a really nice song. She can't help but tap her fingers to the rhythm of her voice. It was too angelic. And she can't believe she sings rock songs. It would be nice if Marceline sings a ballad.

A few minutes later and a guy comes over, he had this really strange hair that Bonibel couldn't even say what it is, his hair is dyed ash blonde and somehow looks like sporting a three striped mohowak-like haircut. Very wierd indeed for her liking.

"You alone?" Ash questions Bonibel to which she responds with a shake of her head and simply points at Marceline on stage.

"Oh! You're with Mar-Mar! Never thought I'd see another girl other than Keila in her group." He says with a chuckle, Bonibel eyes him suspiciously.

"Anyway," he places a cocktail drink in front of Bonibel "my treat."

"Sorry, but I don't drink." Bonibel politely refuses.

"Oh?" He takes the drink back and drinks it in one gulp. "I see Marceline had warned you about drinks. But not to worry, I'm a friend of hers. The name's Ash, by the way." He says with his hand out.

"Bonibel." She answers taking his outstretched hands.

As if on cue, the performance has ended and Ash stood up from the booth. "Oh, I better get going. It appears that our band is up next." He says and walks away.

Minutes later Marceline and the others are back in the booth.

"That was amazing!" Bonibel tells them.

"Really?! Guy asks excitedly. "Did I do- I mean, did we do well?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, this is my first time going to such a place," she says as she looks around, 'and my first time to hear you guys play, but I really love how you sound." Bonibel tells them.

Guy and Bongo were elated upon hearing that, Marceline chuckles while Keila simply rolls her eyes.

Just then Marceline notices the empty cocktail glass on the table. Her carefree tone disappeared as she snaps at Bonibel, "Haven't I told you not to take drinks or anything from strangers?!"

Guy and Bongo shuts up, alarmed that they haven't noticed the empty glass on the table. Keila's eyes had been dancing in glee whereas Bonibel had been perplexed with the girl until she herself saw the empty glass the guy from before had left on their table.

"That's not even mine," Bonibel answers calmly, "and when I was offered with a drink from a wierd looking guy, do you even expect me to accept it?!" She snaps back at the girl. She was upset that Marceline had accused her without even asking what had happened or transpired. She stood up from her sit and head for the exit.


Marceline runs her hand through her long raven locks in distraught. She didn't know why she snapped like that and didn't even know what to do as she eyes the girl disappear from the crowd.

"Mar, I think you better go and check on her." Bongo nudges on Marcelines shoulder, eager to get the leader to follow the princess-like girl.

"She's old enough to take care of herself." Keila tells Bongo.

She sighs audibly but gets up, "I'll do it even if you wont tell me."

She follows the girl through the crowd, she tried to search around for her in the crowd until she saw a fleeting pink colored hair who exited the building, a few meters behind she had spotted the white haired mohawk-like Ash, her ex-boyfriend tailing the girl. She hastily shove off people who at first protested but later realized who she is and had made way for her.

"Did she went out, Brad?" I ask him in panic.

"She? Oh! That pink-haired lass? Yeah, she did." Brad had confirmed her suspiscion, "Oh, and Ash was with her."

And that, that blew a fuse and Marceline bolted out of the place, she looked left and right and had seen a fleeting pink disappear on a corner of the alley out to the streets. She ran, ran with all her might to catch up. As she reached the corner, she frantically scanned the streets for them, luckily she had spotted them a few meters away from her, so she ran, not minding the yelling people she bumped into in her haste. As soon as the pink-haired girl was within arm's reach, she practically pulled the girl into a protective hug as she glares at the guy who was definitely trying to play his dirty tricks again.

"You lay your hands off my girl!" Marceline hissed at Ash.

Bonibel was just too shocked from Marceline grabbing her like that, she can't help but stare at the girl's face contorted in anger towards Ash.

Ash chuckles at her reaction, I just invited her for ice cream, chill, Mar!" Ash scoffs, smirking at the angered Marceline.

"I don't want you near Bonibel ever again!" She growls.

"Well, it's not for you to decide. It's for her to decide." He says with a smirk at Marceline, "I'll be going now... You didn't told me you were already taken." Ash tells Bonibel and with that he left them, walking away with his hands in his jean's pockets.

It was until Ash was nowhere to be seen that Marceline relaxes and loosens her hug, her hand resting on Bonibel's side as she looks at the girl worry written all over her face.

"Please, of all people you shouldn't hang out with, just not him. Not Ash." Marceline tells her in a pleading tone.


"Just because." Marceline still couldn't find it in herself to give details to the other girl.

"If you can't tell me now, then maybe next time?" Bonibel somehow had left her off the hook. She was glad about it. She just couldn't tell the girl yet

"Y-yes... Sorry about earlier... I-"

"Ssshh!" Bubblegum shushed her, "It's okay... Sorry about that too."

Marceline simply nods at that, "I'll drive you home."

"Glad you offered." Bonibel answers with a playful smile.

Falling For A Gangster: A Bubbline Fanfic [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now