Chapter 3: In search of the Mysterious Student

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Bonnie's P.OV.

As lunch time came. I directly approached Starchy, he seems to be quite knowledgeable and he might know where this Abadeer is. If what LSP said that she indeed comes to school it means she's just here hiding somewhere.

"Starchy, where does this Marceline lives?" I asked him directly.

"Oh, Marcy? I'm sorry, Bubblegum. I don't know at all."

"But you sounded like you actually knew earlier."

"Listen," he says as he pulls to an empty corridor and whispers, "you should look for either Bongo, Guy or Keila." They're same year as us but be careful, Marceline now is leading the Hooded Vamps. It's our school's notorious gang. And those three are like her best friends. Be extra and don't get on their bad side like Fin and Jake." Then he leaves as he notices a group of kids coming our way.

I hastily walk into the cafeteria, grab food and seated with Flame Princess and LSP and started probing around to see if they knew anything about those three that Starchy mentioned.

It turns out that Bongo was this musclehead kid in the class accross the hall from us. While Keila is a repeater like Abadeer is. Must be really close with her then but she's a problematic kid from the info I gathered from asking. Guy is a tall kid not as big as Bongo is but is also another trouble maker like Fin and Jake are. The picture of them four in my head are like those shady goons that would stalk you in an alley and would beat you up till they are contented. I shiver at this thought. But I had to look for this Abadeer no matter what. I must show them that I am far above her and deserve the scholarship the school has offered me.


As the final school bell ring, I packed my books and rushed off. I decided to tail Bongo, instead of the two; from what I gathered he is a patient and does get into trouble but has a soft heart. The other two are just too sketchy. I followed him, hiding behind bushes and buildings and groups of students - trying hard not to be suspicious. He was heading to the gymnasium towards the front where a girl with long blonde hair wearing our school uniform with her skirt about 2 inches shorter than the standard one; the guy beside her was tall with his jet black hair shaved on the left side while the right side totally fine, his bangs covering his right eye. I assume these two are Keila and Guy. Typical goons. Bongo has a military crew cut paired with his muscly figure he totally looks like a wrestler or some boxer. I sat by a canteen near the gym ordering a strawberry milk, eyeing the trio as I saw Starchy approach them, that bastard! Did he just lied to me about not knowing about Marceline. I saw him whispering to Keila before he runs off to God knows where.

The trio started moving, walking to the back of the gymnasium. I hastily followed them but as I got to the back of the gymnasium, they were no where to be seen. Could it be they saw me?! I was being careful not to be noticed. Did Starchy tipped them off about me. I tried looking to the other side but they were no where to be seen. Where could they be, I fumbled through the gymnasium tapping the walls, there might be a secret entrance. Just as I was to tap another portion of the wall, I saw a small partition, it opened slightly and I heard voices, they stopped midway opening and sounded like they were in an argument, I hurriedly hid behind the bushes. When the small partition opened fully, I saw Bongo and Guy left.

"I told you so.." -Guy

"But Marcy needs to graduate too. You need too, and so do I." -Bongo

"But with Keila acting like that, Marcy will stay as a senior. You know how influential her dad is."

"Yeah, but.."

"We're going to land a job in their company. You need not to worry. Just tell Starchy to tell that nerd to not waste her time searching for Marceline. As you can see, those two are at it again."

And off those two went. I don't get what those two were talking about. But now I know, that Abadeer is indeed in this secret room. I just had to wait patiently until she decides to comeout.


It has been an hour. I stared at my wrist watch, 5:16 PM. Seriously?! Now, I roughly had an idea what Guy meant by they're at it again. Such indecency. I furrowed my brows, disgusted at the idea at what those two were doing until I see Keila being ushered out by a tall girl with pale skin and long jet-black hair. She kissed Keila on the lips and stared at the bush where I'm hiding smiling, no. Smirking rather.

"Aren't you going to drive me home today?~" Keila says as she clings on the other girl's arm.

"I'm so sorry Kei, I have something to take care of. You go now, sweetheart." She says, in a husky voice as she flips her hair.

Keila pouts but nods her head then pulls the girl into a passionate, steamy kiss. I was flushing red at the scene unfolding in front of me, I can see Keila grinding her crotch against the girl's tigh as she kisses. Rather to me, it looks like she's eating the other girl's face. I can hear moans from Keila. Goodness. Such indecency. I looked away.

"I'll definitely gonna miss you, Mar-mar~" Keila says her face flushed.

"Hahah. You got my jeans wet Kei, not good."

Keila laughs gently, "Souvenir, babe." She walks away.

I sigh heavily as I never expected to witness such a scene until I heard a husky voice beside me.

"Enjoyed the little scene, Miss...?"

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