Chapter 8: Meeting

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Slumping down on my seat. I can't help but be nervous, the results to Abadeer's exams will come out today. I know, I shouldn't be, but I can't help it. I don't wanna lose in academics on some gangster-wanna-be.

A minute or so later Abadeer came in with a goofy smile holding her test results in front of my face.

"No.. T-this can't be..."

"Told 'ya it was a bad idea." LSP commented as she see us,  passing by with her usual smug attitude.

"So?" Marceline grins widely.

"So, what? It's just the 1st semester. I doubt you can keep that up." I told her trying to keep my cool.

"Oh? Still wanna challenge me next sem? Ok. But still, I won and now..." she leans in closer as she tips my head to meet her stare, her face too close to mine,  "you're mine." she sits beside me, crossing her legs, humming to herself.

I am frozen in my seat with that. EVERYTHING IS NOT REGISTERING IN MY HEAD. DID I REALLY LOST TO HER?! She literally aced the exams. Perfect score on all subjects.

Time seem to have frozen for me. I didn't notice it was already break time until a hand waved in front of me.

"PB! PB! Hey, girl! Wake up!" cake yells waving her hand infront of me. Apparently I was in a trance since this morning and Prof. Peppermint apparently yelled at me for spacing out. I don't even remember any of that happening.

"Sorry.." I mumbled out a response.

"Hey, don't let it-" she was cut short by Marceline as she grabs my wrist.

"H-hey, where do you think you are taking PB?" Cake questions Marceline with her arms crossed over chest, just like a mom's.

"None of your business. But we had a deal back then. Thus, I am snatching away your Princess." Marceline answers with a toothy grin. I whinced at the nickname she had given me.

Cake looks at me then shakes her head, "Well, you earned it. Bye PB, tell us what happened later," she hollers as I was basically dragged out of the classroom by Marceline.

"W-where are you taking me?" I managed to choke out my query to Marceline seeing we just passed by the cafeteria.

"A place better than the cafeteria." she chuckles. As she drags me out of the school building. Seeing where we're heading, I realized it was their "hideout".

The whole walk, she's been holding me by my wrist. I stare at her pale hands and feel my cheeks warm as a light blush creeps onto my face. I keep my head down to avoid her noticing.

We went to the entrance stealthily as much as possible. She opens the door and leads me into their hidden lair. From where we are, I can hear voices. Bongo, Guy and Keila. Those delinquents.

Marceline tugs gently on my wrist as I stood there, not moving. I realize that I am alone with Marceline in an uncharted teritory (Okay that sounded like some war stuff. But yeah, bear with me).

"Hey, move dummy. We're gonna miss lunch break this way." she complains.

"Well, I want to eat in the cafeteria."

"I don't eat cafeteria food. That's disgusting."



I glanced into the narrow passage way that leads to the inner part of the room or whatever it is where we are, there stood three figure. I gulped as I take in their presence and realized what I said OUTLOUD.  I noticed the the scrutinizing gaze from Keila.

"You brought THIS HERE?!" Keila yells which is deafening as we are in an enclosed space.

"Calm down, will 'ya?" Marceline gives another tug on my wrist, she glances back at me, "Hey, get your ass moving, Princess."

Augh. That's it.

"First of all I am not a THING." I told Keila bluntly. "Don't refer me with 'THIS THING'. Secondly, I still don't want to be here." I told Marceline bluntly.

Bongo and Guy shakes their head and pats Marceline's shoulders, "Goodluck," they say as they make their way back from where they came from, "Hey, welcome to our hideout, Missy." Guy adds without looking at me, waving his right hand in the process.

Keila snears at me before following the two.

Now, we're left all alone.

"Hey, those are my friends. You should really keep your princess attitude in check," she says with an exasperated tone.

"I still want to go back and eat in the cafeteria." I insisted again.

She rubs her temple as she shakes her head, "Well, you leave me no choice."


I closed the gap, bending slightly, I grabbed her by her legs and lifted Bonibel off the floor carrying her over my shoulder, like some sack of rice. She kicks around and I feel her hitting my back with her fists.

"Put me down!" she yells. I chuckle at this.

"I will, once we're there already." I said, grinning. I head straight into the threshold of our hideout.

Once in, I feel her thrashing around come to a stop. I know she thinks the place looks like some dump. I put her down, smirking, arms wide open as I told her, "Welcome princess to the Hooded Vamps' hideout!" at that I hear Bongo and Guy chuckle. While Keila is giving Bonibel snide remarks.

I look at the nerdy kid and find her in awe, jaw drop. Literally. I chuckle at this and had my hand below her chin to close her mouth and whispered in her ears, "Fly will get in your mouth if keep it open like that." I see her face flush red at that.

I walk over to the fridge and grabbed 2 canned soda. I glanced at our coffee table where there lay a box of pizza untouched. I walk back to her, she's still looking around, probably thinking what to retort. I hand her a can of soda. She tilts her head a bit to the side as she stares at it.

"Hey, Missy!" Keila starts, "stop making Marceline your slave."

"I..." she says, confused, probably or maybe intimidated.

"Hey, chill, a bet's a bet, Kei. And I won. She's mine." I told her as I sat on my chair. I leaned forward and grabbed a slice of pizza.

"Hey, princess, sit down." Bongo says patting an empty chair beside him which she takes, quietly fumbling to open her soda.

"Hey, eat. Eat." Guy says with a smile as he shoves the box of pizza near Bonnie. "We rarely get to see girls here other than, these two. I'm Guy and this is Bongo. Seems like Marcy over there didn't introduce us to you."

"Why you two!" Keila said fuming which earned a chuckle from Guy and Bongo.

"See what I mean?" Guy adds to Bonnie with a wink.

"Hey, princess, eat up. You wont find this in the cafeteria." I told her.

"Y-yes.. And... Thanks." she says timidly, grabbing a slice and eating peacefully.

We started chatting about the upcoming culture festival where we will play and that get the three excited. Hell, we're all excited.

It was not until I felt a tug on my sleeve that I glance at the princess with us. She gestured to her wrist watch. I really don't get it and continued talking about our plans for the festival.

"Hey, it's almost time for the class, we should go back." Bonnibel says as she tugged on my sleeve again. Oh. Class. That was it.

I glanced at the other three, "Let's continue this later, for now, we're going seeing we had a class in a few minutes."

I stood up from my sit and I noticed Bonnibel looking at the ground. I tapped her shoulder, she looks up at me, surprised. I held her hand and lead her out. Back to the world where she knows.

Falling For A Gangster: A Bubbline Fanfic [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now