Part 2

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There he goes again.

On his way to spend a fortune on champagne for women he barely knows, as if money is nothing and life is one long, inconsequential party.

"Goodbye Kristel," says Dexter in his silky smooth deep voice.

Dexter is my employer, looking too gorgeous in his tailored navy suit and crisp white shirt.

"Don't wake me when you get in," I say, waving and smiling, knowing that if he's alone when he returns, he will wake me for conversation and cocoa in the kitchen. I love those midnight moments together; the easy smiles, the occasional lingering glance he thinks I don't see, which never leads to the places I need them to.

Not yet anyway.

Dexter drives away in his
black BMW without a care in the world, and I tell myself for the millionth time to loathe him for how he chooses to live his life, for his dislike of all things working class, for not wanting me the way I want him, but I know him too well for that.

He's a good man with a kind heart, though he does love to spoil himself like a child in a sweetshop a little too often.

Anyway, I couldn't loathe the man for whom I've longed forever.

The man I still dare to hope will one day see me as more than Little K who grew up with him and became his housekeeper. Until that day, I keep his house in order and his shirts clean, fearing the day he falls in love, because it will be the end of me.

Despite being pleased with what nature gave me, I'm not glamorous or sophisticated like the many women he brings back for a night here, a night there. Those tittering women who offer their bodies and leave Maybelline lipstick smeared over his linen shirts for me to remove. They are sophisticated, perfectly styled, wealthy, and I know I should envy them all, but I don't.

Why would I envy them when in normal, everyday ways he is mine to care for?

In my dreams he is mine to enjoy, and in my heart, he is just mine.

My mother loved being the housekeeper for Dexter and his parents while I was a growing girl.

I loved our accommodation in the grounds, and the huge yards where they let me play. I lived with my mother, the Joson family housekeeper, and my father, their limo driver, on their property in the California. Our family was not full of money, but that never stopped me.

It wasn’t the money that I loved anyway.

It was the freedom.

The freedom to wander and play and explore.

I spent a lot of my younger years with Dexter, who is seven years older than I. His parents were never around, and a lot of the time, it was up to my mother to care for him. I loved the horse-riding, the wandering and quiet out there.

But mostly, especially from my thirteenth birthday, I loved spending time with Dexter, and when puberty hit, I fantasized about him being the one to release the full power of my lust and reveling in it.

Shame Dexter has no idea what fireworks we might light between my sheets.

Maybe one day I'll show him.

Maybe, one day, we will connect…

Still fantasizing about him Kristel?

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