I dont like her

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* JJ'S POV *

There I was hating the view. Hating the way there lips and tongues collided, and I was just there unnoticed by jack. jack oh jack ! The boy I've been friends with for 15 years kissing his girlfriend.

I hated her from the fist day jack came up to me and said " jack meet my new girlfriend " that day was also the day I started to realized I ... I loved him.

He started walking toward me, I was still staring , and the witch behind him

" Hey jack " they both said and started to giggle.

"Hey" I said unamused.

What's wrong he ask with a worried face. Nothing I'm just tiered ( I say lying ) Oh ok , hey JJ want to come to dinner with me and my "love"

No I said , I just want to go to sleep ! I ran off to the hotter as fast as I could. I heard jack screaming out my name but I didn't respond back.

I got to the room and ( obviously jack is staying with me ) and I started to cry Cry because of THE WAY JACK SAW HER. Crying because jack calls that bitch his "love". I think of them kissing !

I ran to the bathroom, got my blade out and ran it through my wrist. My crying with blood dripping down.

When all of a sudden I hear the door open behind me and someone yells out


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