Untitled Part 3

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I cannot believe those sisters of mine, how they can force me to go shopping with them, it not like am a girl that will go girl shopping. Alright I know some of you might be confuse so I will show you some flashback of what happened.


I was sleeping peacefully when I heard banging on my door. Hey little bro wake up you lazy boy you better wake up or we gonna break this door

Alright stop shouting am coming geehs, I want up and open the door for them. What up sis why are you guys disturbing me I said I was not going to school today cause I will be starting later than the others so please allow me to rest.

No, one of my sister may shouted, but why? Why can't I rest May Why?

Stop shouting my eldest sister prae shouted

Am sorry p. but why p, are we going somewhere

Yeah let go and have some fun.

I love fun p. what are we going to do p? are we going to the amusement park?

No we are going shopping—prae

What shopping?

I said stop shouting.—prae

Alright p I won't shout but am not going and that is it.

End of flashback

I can't believe I still followed them so much for not going.

Alright stop sulking what do you want? Just tell me and I will go and buy it for you—maprang my twin sister asked me

Are you serious p?

Yeah I promise I'll get it for you so tell me what do you want,

I want ice cream yeah ice cream after that let go to the cinema I want to watch Black Panther can we p

What I only ask to buy you something

But p please let go watch some movie it will be fun

But what about prae and May will they come.

P will help me to convince them right, right

Stop acting cute for god sake and why are you behaving like this, we have the same age remember. But you are still p.

Only for some minute kongbop ----m and that is why you are my p

I can't win an argument with you can I? now take this change and go and buy your ice cream while I convince the other to join us and get me one vanilla flavor

Alright p roger that

At the ice cream store

After I got the ice cream I was on my way to my sisters when I saw a boy almost getting hit by truck and I didn't know what came over me but I run towards the boys direction and push him away.


I woke up to a beeping sound and slowly open my eye only to see the face of my sisters looking mad but also proud so before they start scolding me I quickly apologize to them. P am sorry –k .

Why are you sorry –m ? cause P looks angry that's why.

How stupid of you to do that eh kong you almost got your self killed.

P kong sorry na (kong started crying cause he made his sisters angry)

Alright that is a enough prae can't you see he is crying –may

Prae hugging her baby brother, alright stop crying you look ugly and stop making me look like a bad person. But p is angry at kong right. Kong promise p not to help anyone who is in danger never again ( putting on his serious face to convince his sisters) kong am not saying that you shouldn't help someone am just asking you to be careful.

Maprang – and kong am proud of you

Really p

Maprang- yes you saved a life and calling me p we are twin for god sake

Prae- but you are more mature

Kong – p am also mature

May/maprang/prae- really


While the were still busy teasing kong someone clear his/her throat and everybody turn around to the voice.



Hmm am arthit the guy you save so I emm came to say thank you for saving my life ( feeling all shy all of a sudden)

Prae- well you are welcome, hope you are okey

Maprang/kong- wow he is so cute

(Arthit feeling shy.)

They turn to face each other and smile

May – now look what you guys have cause, you made him shy. Don't mind them arthit that is how they are.

Kong- NO!!! (everyone looking at kong in surprise) mind me but you should definitely not mind maprang.

Arthit – why ?

Maprang/may/prae- yeah why

(all of them waiting for kongs answer)

Well if you mind her(pointing at his twin) you will start liking her and I want you to like only me.

Art- what

All of them shock at kongs word

Prae – are you okey kong

Kong – yes why you ask

Art- am sorry but I think I need to go. Take care kong and you get well soon bye.

No wait don't go – kong

(arthit refused to listen and ran away since he was shy)

Maprang – look what you've done now you've scared him away.

But I only say what I was feeling and I did good right p'prae.

I don't know kong he seem scared to me.

What no that not what I want he look cute and beautiful like an angel.

Ok, ok stop It I get what you are saying but unlucky you that is the last time you are going to see him.cause he is never coming back after your staunt. And you are getting discharged says another voice.

Shia doctor you scared me.- kong

So am getting discharged doctor

Yes you are- doctor

Can't I stay for sometime maybe he will come back

No he wont –doc

How do you know that doctor

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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