Pissing Off The Carrows

Start from the beginning

"We have a problem and it's serious."

"Black?" I asked with a shocked face and everyone chuckled.

"No, I wish." Damian replied.

"What is your problem Mr.Rich?" Alecto asked fustrated.

"It's Luna! Someone has taken her shoes. We have a theif in Hogwarts!" He exclaimed with a fist on the table.

"A theif!" I gasped in fake horror. "I must go now before they get to me too." I dug in my robes and gasped. "My wand, they have taken my wand. Oh no! Hogwarts is getting dangerous I must leave at once." I stood up to leave but Damian held me back. 

"No Ariana you must stay and fight. We need you." Damian pleaded and everyone had already caught on about the prank.

"Fight? What fight?" Alecto demanded but Damian silenced him.

"Shhh. You are being very rude. I am having an A and B conversation so C your way out of it." Damian told him with a serious expression and I almost caved.

"If you two do not pipe down this instant I will have no choice then to give out detentions." Alecto said firmly.

"Dentention!" I fake gasped.

"No not detention!" Damian protested. "I demand to see my lawyer."

"You don't have a lawyer." I told him and patted his arm.

"Well then I demand to hire a lawyer." 

"Look, just sit back, relax and drink a butterbeer." I told him while conjuring up a butterbeer under the table and passing it to him as well as one for myself. We drank some and moaned in delight. "Feel better?"

"Better then ever." He agreed.

"How did you- No eating in my class! Detention!" Amycus shrieked.

"But we aren't eating we are drinking. Very different. I think someone needs to check her eye sight." Damian commented.

"Or maybe she's just getting old." I inputed causing her to glare at me.

"Enough!" Alecto yelled.

"Dam Alecto your big ass mouth just fucked up my eardrum." I complained and students laughed. "Hey don't laugh at this fine gentlemen. Show more respect for this unfortunate soul!" I yelled at them and they started rolling in laughter.

"Unfortunate soul?" Damian asked in fake confusion.

"Yes I mean I feel bad for him. He has THAT" I pointed at Amycus. "As a sister." By now the class was in hysteria.

"That's it. I'm calling Severus." Amycus shrieked and left the room.

"Snape?" Damian asked.

"No Dumbledore! Idiot of course he went to go and get Snape." I hit his arm.

"Don't you mean she?" Damian corrected. 

"No I'm pretty sure that 'she' is in fact a he." I glanced up and Alecto was glaring at me and I just smiled back sweetly. "Alecto are you angry with your mother?" I asked innocently.

"No why would I be?" He asked suspicously.

"Oh nothing." I paused and pretended to think hard. "But if my mother named me Alecto I'd disown her." He turned bright pink and was about to yell but Damian cut in.

"Nonsense Ariana, Alecto is a very good name. Imagine him in the muggle world." Damian sighed proudly as he pretended to look into the future. "I can see the billboards now. Elect Alecto for President!" I couldn't take it anymore and I bursted out laughing and Damian joined me but we were both cut short when Amycus walked in with Snape. We immediatedly straightened ourselves and pretended to be working.

"What do we have here?" Snape asked being painfully slow, as usual. "Ariana! Damian! What is the meaning of this?" We both looked about with confused faces.

"What do you mean Headmaster, we have been quiet all period doing our work." I replied innocently.

"Yeah Snape, if anything the Carrows have been annoying us." Damian cut in and I nodded like a bobble head.

"Nonsense. Both of you to my office now!" Snape demanded and I rose my hand causing him to sigh. "Yes Miss Stone."

"Well Headmaster Damian and I would love to obey your orders but class is way more important. Am I right Damian?" I said and Damian nodded.

"Yes you are. Without an education we are nothing and for you to get in the way of that is just wrong! You sir should be ashamed of yourself." Damian stood up to prove his point and I followed his lead.

"You sir belong in Azkaban!" I yelled and everyone gasped.

"That's it! I've had enough of this. Meet me tonight in my office for detention!" He roared.

"Are you serious!?!" I yelled.

"No Ariana he's Severus." Damian joked and I stared dieing of laughter.

"Quiet! I will see both of you tonight. No exceptions! Class dismissed." And he stormed off with the Carrows.After we made sure that they were gone the whole class was in a fit of laughter.

"Dam he's worst then Dumbridge." I exclamied.

"Don't your mean Umbridge?" Luna asked dreamily.

"Nope! She was dumb so I call her Dumbridge." Luna nodded.

"How did you make the butterbeer appear out of thin air?" She asked being very persepitive.

"Magic!" I exclaimed before leaving her side. As I walked over to Draco, I glanced at everyone who was still laughing. When the laughter died down they appraoched us, smiling.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Neville praised and gave both Damian and I a hi-five, which we gladly returned.

"Yeah Ariana you were amazing." Seamus hugged me but was pulled away by an unknown force.

"Hands off Finnigan! She's mine." Draco sneered and put his arm around my shoulder protectively. I rolled my eyes at him and turned back to Seamus.

"Don't mind him Seamus. Thank you." He smiled and left to chat with the other students about how brilliant we were. 

"You were great babe." Draco commented and I blushed. 

"Thanks but not as great as my partner in crime." I gestured to Damian who was currently talking to Luna. 

"I guess he was okay but no one can compare to you." I blushed even deeper causing him to chuckle. "Your cute when you blush and I've noticed that I'm the only one who as ever made you blush." He paused. "Well aside from Damian but you were under his spell so it doesn't count." I nodded. Damian had revealed to us over the break about his powers. I was angry but amazed. 

"Stop being such a flirt Dray." And he shrugged. "I'm hungry. Let's go eat dinner before I have to go see Snape for our detention." 

"Well that's what you get for being a rebel." I glared at him and he added. "A cute rebel." And I laughed causing him to smirk. Then he proceeded to walk me to the great hall.


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