No Luck

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Summer. The worst time of year in New York. Humidity and must filled the air as pedestrians struggled to get through the tight, small crowds on the sidewalks of Manhattan-me being one among many. I held onto my messenger bag and ran through the large flock of strangers, rushing to get home from the last job interview on my list: Angelo's Pizza-a cute little pizzeria located in Manhattan. I lived in a small cozy apartment with my lazy roommate, Lydia in way upper Manhattan. As unmotivated as she may be, she really tries her hardest in everything she does- one of them being convincing me to go out with her every weekend. I know she can achieve anything since 80% of those weekends I end up agreeing and waking up with a pounding headache and Lydia sleeping next to a giant box of cheese pizza on the couch. As much of a hot mess she is, she really does the most to make New York my new home.

I escaped the crowd and took a cab back to my apartment. I came home to Lydia waiting for me with a batch of chocolate chip coconut cookies.

"Welcome back, Y/N!" How did it go? Tell me EVERYTHING!" She propped me down on the couch with her.

"It... went. I don't know. I don't think I got it. I mean, they said they'll call me but didn't sound promising." I got back up and grabbed my laptop. "Man, I need a job really soon so I can start making some money." 

"Y/N, there's enough restaurants in New York City for you to visit a new one every day for 50 years without visiting the same place twice. There's a job out there for you." Lydia was always a glass-is-half-full person.

"You know what, you're right. I'll just keep looking." I pulled the job search page back up and began applying once again.

"Hey, you know that coffee shop on E 56th? I know they're hiring. You should apply there."

"Coffee shop? I don't know. I need a job that I'll hear back from within a couple days, not three months later."

"Who cares if you drink coffee or not. You make money, get free shit, and- you never know who you're going to meet! And like I said, they're hiring so if they're interested, they'll call you really soon." Convincing enough.

"Fine fine, I'll submit. I've got nothing to lose." I closed my laptop and grabbed one of her freshly made cookies. Now, all I could do was wait for that phone call-if it was even going to happen.

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