Ecuador nodded, he understood.

The Mexs rushed to the couch. Maria quietly sat down next to Alfred. "Alfie?" She quietly asked, "Maska?"

America hadn't been in deep sleep, so he started to stir a bit and a awhile, he looked up at his baby brother and sister. Canada had put down the clothes he had brought for his twin and walked to the three.

So now America was looking at all of them.

He didn't know what to say.

So his tears did all the talking for him.. He sniffled and looked down in shame and regret..

How could he have been so terrible and rude and selfish and....... He was so horrible to them.

"I-I," He sobbed, "I-I'm s-sorry."

After all he done, naturally, he wasn't expecting this to happen. 

Maria had been the first one to throw her arms around him as he sniffled. She let her tears fall as her older brother wrapped his arms protectively around.

And Maria said the words, she had regretted not saying since he left. "I love you. I love you so much.... I'm sorry.." She was so sorry for not telling him that earlier.

So so sorry.

America shook his head, she hadn't done anything wrong. That had all been him.

Diego was next.

He let out a shaky breath, he sat on Alfred's other side. And laid his head on him shoulder, quietly shaking. And Alfred took one arm off Maria and put it around him..

He had made his younger siblings- his baby brother and sister cry- God, he would never forgive himself for that.

He was so sorry.

So so sorry.

"I'm so sorry D," He cried, "I-"

"Don't leave us again," Diego shook, keeping his head on his hermano's shoulder. "Por favor." He sniffled.

It had been some of the worst months in his life.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, I didn't. Maybe it's my fault for-"

"No, don't you dare blame yourself for anything." Alfred quickly said, "I swear D, you did nothing wrong. You were just looking out for me. This is all just my fault."

And here came the last one.

Canada made eye contact with his twin and went down.

He put his arms over all his baby siblings and just like Diego, let out a shaky breath. "You were hurt Al. Nothing is your fault... We- we missed you so much."

America nodded, "I'm sorry."

Canada wiped his twin's tears and looked up, "So am I, I should have known the President was up to no good." He whispered painfully. "I'm so sorry. I-.... It's my job to watch out for you. And I failed, I'm so sorry little brother." He spoke softly, "You didn't deserve any of this. You were just pushed beyond your limit. But, we're here now. All of us, I promise. Talk to us please." Canada begged as his tears picked up, "We would never hurt you. We would never treat you like they did. Please..." He looked Alfred dead in the eye. "Please trust us."

And that's when Alfred noticed everyone in the room looking at him.

This was all up to him now.

His cousins had swore they would protect him, his siblings had cried their pain and guilt to him, and he.....

He had to make the decision, the right one. He didn't want to hurt them again.

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