Chapter 1. Getting seeked out... hunted..

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( Jannick's POV )

Me: 'huff' these guys just dont give up.


i was surrounded by atlas soldiers... this is the third time this week. new recruits.

i smirked.

Me: well... il show you then... a dragons

you then stood up.

me: ROAR!

with that you roared it out.

Me: ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

and with that a huge inferno came blazing inmediatly insinerating all the atlas soldiers..

Me: and thats why you dont fuck with a dragon....

i cant believe it today is the day.... the day i got tooken away from earth....

i shook it off..

Me: welp time to get the fuck outta here.

i then put my hand in the air.

Me: Infernus!

and with that i got insinerated in flames.....

( Vale )

( Ruby's POV )

Yang: Ruby what did you want to show us.

Me: Look.

Me: There!!  

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Me: There!!  

Yang: why are we here????

Me: that ship is incoming with some of the latest weapons. i wanted to check them out.

Yang: cool...

Suddenly a Fire came on standing behind us. just out of nowhere.

Me: What the-

suddenly a boy appeared out of the flames.

Me: ( omg he is cute )

( My POV )

i appeared out of the infernus flare and stepped out in vale. i saw that darn ship again.

Me: Darn it. i mumbled inside of my mouth.

I also saw 2 girls one wearing yellow. one wearing red. and she was... blushing???

Me:.... heh

i walked at them.

Yellow: hey the-

Me: move it...

i just walked past them. and got in my stance.


i charged up a huge fireball and aimed it at the ship.

Red: WA-

The Hero with a Horrific past. A RWBY Crossover StoryWhere stories live. Discover now