Chapter 8; unpleasent surprises

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Brie's POV

It's not like I was mad at Nikki for not telling me she read dating Seth. I had a secret of my own...

I I'm dating WWE superstar Daniel Bryan.

It just kind of happened, we went on our first date and hit it off, tonight, Nikki was going on her first date with Seth, being a good sister, I had to come and spy on her, Which is exactly what I planned on doing,

Nikki's POV

Let's just say, I was nervous for my date with Seth tonight. Every time I looked into those brown eyes, I freeze. I already knew Brie was coming to spy on us, it's what we do. When I found out she already had her first date with Daniel, I was a little mad because I couldn't be there to spy, but in the end I was happy for them!

"Brie what should I wear tonight? red dress, Louis Vuitton spiky thingy heels, or white kinda striped I guess white dress, Alexander McQueen?" I asked her sounding as if I was actually rich. She replied with a laugh then finally answered me,

"Red, it shows off our bella bod's" she said winking at me.

"Okay, I'm leaving now. Wish me luck!"

"Good luck"

"Bye, I'll be back in about 2 hours! 3 depending how good this date goes"

"You do you Nikki, have fun!"

"Thanks Brie, love you bye!" I said hugging her.

"Love you too" she replied,

Here I was, going on my first date with Seth Rollins, the architecture or whatever of the shield. I was shaking. I waited down at the hotels restaurant for him for about 10 minutes until he finally showed up,

"Hey beautiful, you ready?" he said checking me out,

"My eyes" I said to him,

"Are right here, Rollins" I said lifting his head to meet my face.

He laughed at me,

"I'm aware Ms. Bella, but this dress really shows off your bella body" he said winking. damn... Brie was right! I laughed out loud,

"What's so funny?"

"Huh? oh... nothing!" I said with pauses In-between.

Brie's POV

I got my trench coat, doc Martin boots, sunglasses and fedora and was out the door to spy on Seth and Nikki's date. I walked down to the hotels restaurant and instantly spotted them, I had to hide behind a table, which by the way, the people though I was a complete but job, so they could see me. I finally found a table where I could see them, but they couldn't see me.

From the corner of my eye, I saw two familiar people slip into the booth across/behind me (if that makes sense) and guess who they were. Paige and Randy..

I suddenly felt like I was doing double duty, spying on Nikki and Seth, and eavesdropping on Randy and Paige's conversation, I listened carefully to what randy and Paige were saying first,

R&P convo

"Listen babe, I'm pissed roman wasn't gonna tell me about him and Brie, but I don't know if I want to do this to him anymore... Like I want him to loose or win this match fair and square" Paige said

"No! Listen here Paige, you are going to interfere with this match, you are going to cost roman reigns this match, you are going to do all of this, because you love me" randy said,

"I guess I do, as long as it works out!"

"I love you" he said, leaning in to kiss her,

"I love you too" she said kissing him.

Brie's POV

I couldn't hear everything they said, but I'm sure Paige didn't want to follow through with this 'plan' which takes balls, so I respect her for that, but any who, she doesn't wanna do this, but someone, randy convinced her to.. I know I told Roman I didn't want to get involved, but this suddenly now does affect me. In ways, that'll soon make sense for us all. I couldn't even continue to spy on Nikki's date, I had to leave that restaurant as soon as possible.

Nikki's POV

3 hours later, I walked into my hotel room to find Brie still up, watching TV.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be asleep, it's 2:30 in the morning!"

"I'm not tired" she said, not even turning to face me. Something's up.

"Brie... what's wrong?"


"Tell me!"


"Tell me!"


"Tell me!!"

"FINE! when you were on your date with Seth, I came to spy-

"I know that.."

"Okay, while I was there, I saw Paige and roman there too. They have this plan to screw roman over during his WHW title match"

i was trying to comprehend what Brie was telling me, I knew Paige was evil, but I would never find it within me to mess up my loved ones title match. That's just plain evil, and rude.

"Listen Nikki, this effects me! I need your help to stop this, we need to embarrass Paige and Randy and let them know, this backfired in their faces.. Will you help me?"

I have it some deep thought...

"Of course" I finally said.

I wrote this at 2:30 in the morning so xD

What's gonna happen?

Find out in chapter 9

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