Chapter 6; the incident

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Brie's POV

I hadn't talked to Roman since 'the incident' its now Smackdown and I found out he had a match, I really wanted to watch it so I walked into the divas locker room to find it empty, a little weird because the divas are always in there. Romans match was second last so I watched the matches before. I watched a promo, 3 superstars matches, 2 Divas matches, which rarely happens, and 3-1 handicap match against Daniel Bryan. He used to feud with the authority, it was his road to WrestleMania 30. In the end he got what he wanted, the world heavyweight title. But he ended up getting tomb stoned by Kane into the steel chairs and the announcers table, so he had a serious neck injury which made him not a fighting champion to the authority, so he had to surrender his titles. Which sucked to watch because his road to WrestleMania, he worked so hard for those titles!

Anyways, it was finally Romans match when someone swung open the divas locker room door, before I could turn around something was out over my head and it was pitch black, I heard a voice but it wasn't a voice of a divas, it sounded like man, like... Kane.

Romans POV

Tonight I had a match against Randy Orton, I couldn't wait to get my hands on him. To beat the shit out of him for what he did to Brie last night, and for everything he's put me and dean through. He deserved this beating.

As the bell rang, Randy stood there smiling, I was wondering why, that's when I heard a voice that ring through the arena,

"Roman? Hey bud, how are you? I don't care. Listen.. When you finish your match, I think I have someone you might want back.." He said, I was confused.. Did he have dean? Paige?

He turned the camera and with her hands and legs tied together, duck tape over her mouth, and a bag over her head, was Brie.

I panicked, I was pissed and scared, what could he do to Brie? He wouldn't .. Hurt her would he? Who am I kidding, this son of a bitch would. I slid out of the ring and ran up the ramp, to the gorilla as fast as I could, I asked everyone, "where's Brie? Where's Kane?" I got the same answers, "I don't know" it was like no one had just saw what happened out there, until someone tapped my shoulder,

"Where the hell is my sister?!" Asked Nikki,

"That's what I'm trying to figure out! I thought you might know, listen, this isn't apart of the script. Something is going on, and I'm not amused!" I said, angry as hell now.

Nikki's POV

I might be heel now, I might be apart of the authority, but Brie Is my sister. The fact that Kane, of all people Kane, had her somewhere, where NO ONE knew? That scared the shit out of me.

"We're not doing any good standing here, trading thoughts. We have to go find her!" I told roman, to be fair, I had no clue why they took Brie.. Isn't Roman dating Paige? Why the hell does Brie affect Roman?

That's when Paige came around the corner,

"Roman, what the hell is going on?" She said, why was she confused?

"Listen Paige, Brie is with Kane somewhere, I have to go with Nikki and find her!" He said,

"I'm coming." Someone behind is said, we all spun around to see Seth standing there. A smile instantly spread across my face,

"Thank you Seth." I ran to hug him, being in his arms felt so right, I didn't want to let go.

"No, no, no. Listen! How does Brie affect you, why didn't they take me! I'm your girlfriend roman!" Paige said,

"That's what I was thinking!" I said, roman gave me a glare saying "your not helping nikki" so I instantly shut up.

"Look Paige, I don't know how Brie affects roman either, but at this point, I don't give a shit. My sister is missing and you wanna know why you weren't taken instead of her? I would gladly have you stolen instead of her. Now roman, Seth, let's go!" I said pulling them both by there arms, we kept on asking people where Brie was when finally someone said "she's with Daniel Bryan, he saved her from Kane nearly beating the shit out of her" i shivered, and nearly broke down crying, but we ran around asking where Daniel and Brie were until we found them!

"BRIE" I said running to my sister.

"Nikki? What are you doing?"

"I was scared out of my mind looking for you with them" I said pointing to Seth and roman behind me.

"Look I'm fine. Daniel saved me just in time thank god" she said.

Brie's POV

Thank god Daniel showed up when he did,

"Thanks Daniel, I owe you one" I said hugging him tight,

"No problem, I know how it's like being in the hands of those guys"

"Yeah it's pretty scary not knowing where you are and how you got there" I said giving a nervous laugh

He smiled at me and I felt safe, he saved my life.

"Okay, thanks man, we were running around looking like lunatics looking for brie" roman said grabbing my arm,

"What are you doing?" I asked him

"Let's go..?"

"Why do I need to go with you?"

"Brie let's go get something to eat.. I'm sure your shaken up, we all are. Let's go to catering"

"I'll go with Daniel, you guys go ahead"

Roman shot Daniel a mad look, why was he mad? He had a girlfriend, he doesn't love me. I know he doesn't.

Thank god Daniel saved Brie! But is roman jealous?

Are Nikki and Seth dating now?

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Chapter 7 will be coming soon!

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