Chapter 4- She's Gone

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I cried into James' shirt, and when I pulled up. His shirt was all crumpled and a little bit damp. 

"Sorry for that" I said while pointing my finger at his shirt. 

"For what?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. Sometimes he is so clueless!!!! 

So I swayed my finger from left to right to get him too look at it, and said...... if he needed more clearing up that is...... 

"For your shirt", it's weird his shirt isn't that wet but it is enough for hm to let it feel it. 

"Nah, it's fine", he stopped talking and had his thinking face on, which consists of both his eyebrows a little bit furrowed. I know you think it's weird for me to master a person in such a short period of time. I think it's weird too. I think it's just talent, which is why my college's course has something to do with it. Finally I asked him....... 

"What are you thinking?", I asked him. 

"Something" he said eyebrows still furowed then asked me, "How did you know that I was thinking of something. 

"It's written all over you face your like an open book"  

"No, most of the time when I do that, people think I'm annoyed by them or something" 

I shrugged, "Well then it's pure talent" I managed to smile at him, even though inside was almost 99% pain from losing my dog. 

" You've just known me or reunited with me like for days not mare than a week even, but you know me so well." he said looking down at me with a smile. I gave him one back. I don't know how he managed to make me smile even though I was such a mess inside. 

Suddenly I remembered something. I smiled up at James, from ear to ear making me look like a freak. Then I said........ 

"Maybe all is not gone after all"


A/N: I thought to just stop there but realized it emwas too short. So, yeah.  

Okay, I'm gonna stop now.  

Back to the Story :) 


(11 years ago)

"Honey, can you do me a favor and go down to the basement with me?", he asked peeking through the small gap on the door. I faced him and said......... 

"But, Dad, Spongebob is starting" 

"Oh, honey, just for 10 minutes" 

"But that's already halfway through the episode" I whined. Okay don't sue me but I'm a sucker for Spongebob when I was young. I think I'm a sucker for Spongebob even now I'm 17 and I'm already turning 18 in just a few weeks. 

"Please, baby T." 

"Don't call me baby. I'm a big girl now" 

"Ohh..... My small girl is already a grown up" 

"That's right, Dad" 

My dad chuckled at me. I don't know why. 

"Okay, my darling, can we go down now?" 

I looked from the TV then to dad, the TV then to dad, I just noticed the episode is my favorite one. 

I looked at my Dad, then sighed. 

Opened HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon