"Oh, what a shame. Very well. Although I admit I will mourn the loss of our potential." He says, teasing you. Our potential? He knows exactly what to say to pique your interest. You shook your head with a smile. So ridiculous.

"What's so tempting about me, huh? There's thousands of other nen users out there." You relent, asking the question you were distraught over from the beginning. You were already too deep into this conversation, you needed to know. Another big mistake. Delight and satisfaction all but emitted from the man. He begins slowly shifting closer.

       "Well, it's no secret that I'm not the type to be involved with a woman. In fact, I'll be one of the most self serving, extemporaneous people you will ever meet. I'll spell it out for you, Y/n. I'm not a good guy. ♥" He says with a devilish smirk. What the hell was he going on about? The closer he got, the more immense the height difference felt.

       Umm.. Say something?

       "I... already knew that. But that doesn't answer my question." You utter out. Better than nothing you suppose.

      "Mm. And why should I answer? ♥" He says, lifting your chin with his hand to keep eye contact. As the man's chiseled body towered over you, his familiar scent welcomed itself to your senses. You swallowed. Not only was your anger melting away but you had no good answer to this question. You ignore it.

       "Then if you're so self serving, why did you lie to that girl to protect me?" You manage in a confident tone. There was a silence as he carefully selected his response. His hand dragged down, tracing down your neck, around your shoulder and down your arm. He lets out a deep and short chuckle, enjoying the tension more than ever.

       "Because protecting you also protects my interests. I must hide you so they don't take you. I must keep distance because I fear that if I get too involved, your growth will be stunted. You're on track to becoming an adept nen user, and I will certainly be disappointed if we never get a chance to properly fight. It is my passion after all. ♥" His eyes gloss over your body until meeting your face. Enter the irritation once again.

      "Look Hisoka, I'm sick of this hot and cold shit. I can't promise i'll fight you but.. What if I can guarantee that staying in contact wont be an issue? To my training of course." You say. He stops moving and looks up at you in an expression you haven't seen him wearing before. Surprise? It quickly melted into pride. That one all but lived on his face. His sights are set on you.

      What in gods name possessed me to say that. Fuck.

      "This is a dangerous game we're playing, Flower.." He says, hushing his voice. You only just now realized he had been slowly backing you into the wall, both physically and in conversation. The surface is cold on your back. He leans on forearm against the wall above your head. You swallow. His face looks down on yours, inches away. You keep your chin up, all confidence. You felt the distaste towards him and any sense of inhibition wash away as his scent invades your senses.

You fucking hated that you wanted him so badly. Just not enough to override your desires.

     He brushed his hand against your soft cheek, then traced down to your jaw and over to your chin. Gently lifting your face, he spoke.

      "Close your eyes. ♥"

       Your stomach did somersaults. Oddly enough your eyes slid closed. When the jesters warm lips brushed against yours, you could feel every inch of your body trembling, craving, obsessing. His lips come back, gently pressing against yours. You couldn't help but melt into him as he deepened the kiss, pushing himself further onto you.

You almost immediately you fell into sync with him. As your heart beat increased, you felt the hot sensation that was usually only existed on your cheeks all over your body. Your senses heightened, body trembling. It's everything you craved.

       The gentleness he started with quickly began picking up into something rougher. Like the darkness of his aura. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he took your frail body up in his arms. Similar to the dream, your legs wrapped around his waist, he pressed his body into your open legs. You were completely unlatched, ready to bend to his will. Even though you knew better, you were teasing the lion. Now he was out for blood.

       Hisoka firmly grips your ass and bites on your lip, drawing a whine from you. As hands begins to explore every inch of your body, every ounce of excitement quickly became desire. Became lust. The stimuli you were feeling right now felt realer than any dream you've had. This was real.

       When you guys tore away to catch a breath, you looked at each other. His eyes were those of someone who had been consumed with desire. Finally Hisoka broke the silence. You bite your lip, imagining the explicit things he could do to you.

       "Don't look at me like that... I'll lose control.." He whispered huskily. The contrast of Hisoka's body and the cold wall sent chills down your back. You give into the feeling, not moving any muscle in your body. As you completely melted into him, the only thing you could think was how you wanted more. How it wasn't enough. That's how you've always been, never satisfied.

       "Hisoka.." You sigh into his chest as he releases you, letting you step down to the floor. He brushes his hair out of his face, takes a step back. You felt incomplete without his body.

       "Patience, Y/n. You have me all to yourself now, so there's no need to rush. ♥"

       Not like i've been waiting about a month now for you to screw me or anything...

       "You promised you wouldn't fall behind in your training. I'll leave you to it. ♥" He says, planting a kiss on your forehead. With that, he turns and takes his leave. You swallow as he walks towards the door. Your eyes fall to the ground and you take a deep breath.

       "......" You just stand there for a second, taking in everything that just happened.

       He totally just teased you and bolted. What an asshole. A really super fucking hot asshole.

       You sigh with a smile, going back to your exercises.

       How long will he be able to control himself?

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