02 ▪ her partner in crime

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More character descriptions below... and change of POV :))


c h a p t e r t w o

8th February 2019.
06.17 p.m.

Stranger's POV

I read the unsolved crime files in Dad's big ass office, I hope I could solve one some day with Dad's sciency-thingy(?) skills after graduating police academy.

I twirled some strands of my short curly jet black hair while turning to last page, however soft knocks on the door were two steps ahead of me.

Must be Dad.


I dashed to bookshelf and kept the files back into its place, checking the mirror once more, before taking back my homework and set it on the table.

"Come in." I called out while pretending to write stuff down. As expected, it was my Dad and Harold. On the other hand, there was a girl in the middle.

She had glistening platinum blonde hair which was tied up into a ballerina bun, her tall and curvy body was wrapped with a long black dress, she had blue eyes which was narrowed, and she seemed flushed about something. Was she from a funeral?

Damn, I need to eat more salad starting today to have that body. Oh, wait, Dad and Harold were still here.

"Hi Dad, Harold, and uhm...," I stopped, waiting for her to introduce herself.

"Winters. Whitney Winters." She raised her head up, and showing her oval face and long neck.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ava Smith!" I introduced myself with a giant grin on my face which she replied with a small smile.

"Okay, okay, we're not here to chit-chat, but to solve a case." I turned my head from Whitney to Dad's.

What did he just say?

To solve a case?

An actual case?

Like Dectective Conan?

Sherlock Holmes?

"DID YOU JUST SAID CASE?!" Dad nodded in approval which made me dropped my pencil.

"I want you to take over a case of this poor little girl over here. You see, her lover was killed, but--"

"Yes, I accept your case, Whitney! I'll help you find out how your boyfie died and let the killer lay down right beside his grave stone." I rubbed my hands together as I said it. I saw Harold who was internally rolling his eyes, like usual, while Whitney seemed glad as she was smiling brighter than before.

"But, dear, you haven't heard--"

I smashed the table, cutting him off, "Dad, this is my only chance to show off my friends that I solved a case before graduation day! Sherly has done one, which is so cool, and I wanted to catch up to her. Not to mention, impress a certain someone... I don't care how difficult it will be, but I'll solve it before graduation day!"

Dad sighed then his lips curved into an amused smirk. Okay, that looks pretty creepy for my own father.

"I see through your determination, my darling. Then, I'll get you the report and bring Whitney here a taxi to get change and be ready before going to your first destination to investigate."

I was in loss of words, I must be so overwhelmed by all of this, this is my first case. It's gotta be fun, amazing, and memorable!

I watched as the three figures leave the office, and the room went back to silence again.

I couldn't help but smile.

My first case....

"Thanks, Dad." I yelled before Dad left the door last. He turned to me with his soft smile, unlike that smirk before.

"Honey...," he paused, "You should finish your homework first before you pick up Whitney from your apartment the next day. And, I know what you were doing before we enter the room."

After that, he left the room while checking his phone.

I felt my cheeks burning, he knew it the whole time! I picked up my pencil from the floor and continued my homework.

Ugh, so embarrasing.


07.00 p.m.

Whitney's POV

I gave a deadly glare at Mr. Penn as he leanned down the taxi's door, wanting to whisper something with his hideous smirk.

"You'd lose a lot of pride if your hypothesis is wrong, Ms. Winters...," he whispered to me with his hoarse voice. I gritted my teeth, not taking my eyes off his.

I smirked back to him as well, for I must not lose to him, "Well, I won't come back until I find one then, Mr. Penn."

"You have a bag full confidence, Ms. Winters, which looks idiotic. There are so many evidences that your dear 'Daniel Rust' committed suicide. So, just give up your pride already." He explained, not removing that stupid creepy grin of his, even as he shut the car door and the taxi went away. I looked behind and he was still snickering.

When he mentioned Daniel, I almost cried my heart out in front of his face. I needed to stay strong, so I could reveal the truth to everyone, even to that rude and abnormally skinny old man.

I knew, Daniel Rust would not die if he still loved me so much.

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