Shiro x Reader - Sooo Cute Together

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"Everyone keeps trying to set us up but we've secretly been dating for months" AU

Word Count: 2254

Smut Scale: 5

A/N: author's note
Y/N: your name
Y/N/N: your nickname
F/C: favorite color
F/B: favorite book
H/C: hair color
E/C: eye color


You enter the dining hall, tired as heck. Allura decided to run another alarm test this morning, waking up everyone except Hunk, who is the heaviest sleeper you've ever seen. The team is sitting at the table, still stretching and lazily poking at their food goo.

You let out a big yawn and sit next to Shiro, resting your chin on your fist with one hand and sliding your hand into his under the table with the other. He looks over at you and gives you a little hug, he knows you aren't exactly a morning person. Well, not a "wake up in a panic" morning person. You smile a little as you ruffle his messy bed head.

From across the table, Lance flashes you a not-so-discreet thumbs up, Pidge raises an eyebrow suggestively, and Hunk makes a heart with his hands.

"Cute!" mouths Allura from behind cupped hands. You shake your head at them exasperatedly, but you can't help but grin.

~~~(Time Skip brought to you by Honk)~~~

A few hours later, you're training with Shiro. You felt like you were struggling a bit with reaction time on the last mission, so he offered to help you work on it, the sweet guy.

"How was that?" you ask breathlessly. Shiro may be nice, but he never goes easy on you during training.

Shiro sets the sword he was using down against a wall and cups your face. "Great, I don't know what you were so worried about. You're doing amazing, (Y/N)." He smiles at you reassuringly and pecks your cheek.

You return his soft smile and look at the floor. "Are you sure? It still seemed like I barely blocked your attacks, much less went offensive."

Shiro tilts your chin up with his finger and looks into your (E/C) eyes, taking a small step towards you and wrapping one arm around your waist.

"(Y/N/N), you did great, and you couldn't have trained harder. Now stop self deprecating, or I'll have to shut you up myself."

You raise your eyebrows at him mockingly. Laughing, he shakes his head and pulls you into him, connecting your lips. They're slightly chapped, yet perfect. His hand snakes around your waist to join the other as you softly kiss him, one hand cupping his face, the other resting just above his heart.

Shiro breaks the kiss after a few seconds and sighs, your foreheads still touching and your faces just inches apart. He keeps his eyes closed. You see him smile that warm smile of his, and you're conscious for the second time today of why you love him so much.

Eyes fluttering open, Shiro separates your foreheads and gives you a little kiss on the nose. You giggle at him.

"You're adorable."

You smile and boop his nose. "Not as adorable as you, Shiro."

He grins and walks to the wall where you put your water bottles (A/N: Do they even have water bottles in the show?) and right at that moment, Lance walks by, sees the two of you in the same room, and winks at you. Idiot.

~~~(Time Skip brought to you by Matt Holt, the meme lord)~~~

"You two would be so cute together, ugh!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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