I'm The Shit (Pt 1)

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The Diary of a Kingpin's Daughter


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This is a work of fiction.

Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. (novels, short stories)

Writing just to be writing is how I survived more then half of my life... I cant really say what it is that use to allow all my problems to escape whenever a pen and a brand new notebook was in my hands. Maybe it was the smell of a fresh ball point pen or the way a brand new notebook sounds when you open it up or maybe it was just simply because at that moment in time my life could be anything I wanted it to be. Growing up I had it hard but shit at least I didn't have it as hard as my friend Shanowa ( No-Ya for short pronounced exactly the way it's spelled.) Yeah me and my little sister had it ruff but hell I made sure that when I stepped out my front door niggas knew I was the shit. My daddy made sure I stayed fly rocking all the latest shit with the doobies to match. My little sister was a year younger then me but everybody swore she was older all because she had big titties. Whatever that little dirty bitch still didn't have shit on me, I couldn't stand her retarded ass she got straight A's in school and swore that she was going to be a Dr. or some other big bank rolling gig one day. My mother always bragged about how smart Joy was but she couldn't of been that damn smart because she had niggas drooling over her ugly ass everywhere we went but she ignored every 'hey ma can I get your number' yo shorty can I take you out. That stupid bitch even had Hakeem (the flyest hustle on our block) checking for her dumb ass, but of course all she ever wanted to do was go to school and come home and study. Our mother was a little bad bitch back in her day too, shit from what I heard my moms had troy ass on lock until she got pregnant with me and decided she wasn't going to have no abortion. Yep troy is my daddy aka T-Rex aka Carnivore aka I'll kill a nigga for staring at me to long. T-Rex was the biggest kingpin in Jersey, all the niggas in our hood respected my father because they said he was fair he was like a hood robin hood or some shit cause he always gave to the poor. My daddy wasn't beat for pocket change he use to always give the feins a break for coming up short and even use to beat down his runners for disrespecting a fein while serving them. My father played know games when it came to respect his walk alone would have the niggas and the bitches straightening up there clothes when he walk in the room. The niggas never wanted to seem like they wasn't balling or getting money and the bitches was always looking to increase their body count along with bragging rights as T-Rex lady . Yeah my daddy was the shit and wasn't shit all at the same time in 15 years the longest time I ever spent with my daddy was the amount of time it took for money to exchange hands. I bet that nigga don't even know where my island birthmark is (right in the middle of my left but cheek lol every time I used to let Moose hit it from the back he say my ass jiggle like a tsunami about to hit the island. I started having niggas call me Black Xtasy cause that exactly where I use to take them whenever they visited my island lol did I mention I was the shit .... Yeah being the daughter of T-Rex def had it perks but unfortunately it was overshadowed by my crack head ass mother smh this Bitch .....' Rumor has it that when my mother was my age all the dudes in our area use beg her to let them sniff her panties... they said my mother had a walk like a stallion with an ass to match but she was dumb as hell. I mean like who gets hooked on dope because a nigga don't want them no more my momma that's who. This dumb bitch had it all money all the clothes a banging ass body to match and the flyest nigga in our hood and she threw it all away cause she wanted his ass all to herself, like bitch grow the fuck up hell even I know ain't no nigga bout to be faithful to just one chick, fly or no fly especially no dope ass dude like my father. I hear stories all the time about how my moms started hanging out with those slick niggas from downtown trying to make my father jealous and shit and ended up getting strung out being some Spanish dude ride or die aka test dummy. Yeah she was a dummy alright a real life fucking clown. But I got to respect her hustle cause she managed to keep a roof over me and my sisters head our whole life, yeah we had roaches and shit but fuck who didn't have roaches in the hood shit like I use to always tell my girl No-Ya and any other lame bitch that tried to throw shade at me or my sister at least we got running water with your heat and hot water not included azz (get it? No! Anyway). No-ya was my girl so when she would snap back at me and say something like bitchhhh your mother a whole crack head out here I would let her slide but let a bitch on the street say some shit like that I would beat her azz until the cows came home. Ohh shit I never told your my name lol my bad I'm Satin yeah I know cute right, my mother says she named me Satin because all my father ever laid her on when she use to come to his crib were satin sheets. Growing up I hated my name especially when people would call me Satan instead of Satin but I learned to love it just like I learned to love everything else about my fucked up life ... I loved it a little too much that's why I'm here behind bars now. and its also what landed me in this prison

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2019 ⏰

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