Day 55

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Dear Daughter,

I designed you. Every part of you. Even that piece of hair that never will straighten in the corner on your head. Even your freckles you so often try to cover up. I created your body shape, and your hair. I created you in the image of me, for a reason greater than being gawked at by guys.

Maybe someone in this world has told you that you are ugly. Maybe you have heard comments that other insecure girls have made about your physical appearance. Maybe that one boy dumped you for no reason and you are so sure it is because you gained a few pounds.

However my child, they are wrong. The world is wrong. The world may tell you that you aren't pretty enough, but I say that you are altogether beautiful. The world may tell you that you look better when you hide your face with makeup, but I say to you that you were created in my image. The world may tell you that life is better if you look like a model, but the reality is you find more joy in this life when you walk with me.

The truth is, you are beautiful, and created the way you are for a reason. You are my masterpiece, my greatest artwork, and my child. Every inch of you is beautiful, and your ability to walk with me is your greatest and most beautiful gift.

Know your worth my child. Know that you may never be pretty enough for this world, but this world has no importance. You are more than "pretty enough" for me. You are created the way you are for a reason. Your purpose is your best accessory.

You may not feel beautiful, but I promise– I hung the stars and painted the sea, and made you in the image of me, and that is beautiful.

You are mine,


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